Why Are Leftists So Violent?

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

This is a nifty little summary of how bad things have gotten for the left, in terms of revealing their true selves to the public.

Victor Davis Hanson said:
In fact, vicious virtue signaling reveals a lot about the Left.

For all the progressive talk about opposition to violence, capital punishment, homophobia, and racism, liberals often subordinate ideology to the quest for power. Colbert attacks Trump with a homophobic slur (the same way that President Obama wrote off the Tea Party as “tea baggers”). Long ago, PBS’s Julianne Malveaux dreamed of Clarence Thomas dying from too much fatty food: “You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.” I suppose Nancy Sinatra would mow down 5 million NRA members with semi-automatic weapons if it would ensure an end to semi-automatic weapons, reminding NRA members why they value the Second Amendment in the first place — for protection from the likes of Sinatra and Hayley Geftman-Gold.

Yes... how damned uncivilized of liberals. Imagine the uncivilized nature of violently attacking someone with ad hominem words. Why we all know that the rightest methods of blowing up buildings and sniper attacks on innocent civilians is a vastly more civilized manner of communicating our differences.
Yes... how damned uncivilized of liberals. Imagine the uncivilized nature of violently attacking someone with ad hominem words. Why we all know that the rightest methods of blowing up buildings and sniper attacks on innocent civilians is a vastly more civilized manner of communicating our differences.

Don't worry, the article addresses leftist methods of blowing up buildings and mass shootings. I continue to be annoyed with Antifa for failing to commit proper arson when they peacefully protested at Berkeley, and managed to leave the campus structurally sound after some pitiful Molotov cocktail attacks.
Oh my...those darned leftist. Why standing up to fascist and hurting feelings is so much more horrible and violent than blowing up Government buildings and killing hundreds of people. They need to really learn from rightist and stop hurting rightest feelings when they try to oppress or kill people.
Oh my...those darned leftist. Why standing up to fascist and hurting feelings is so much more horrible and violent than blowing up Government buildings and killing hundreds of people. They need to really learn from rightist and stop hurting rightest feelings when they try to oppress or kill people.

Since you didn't read the article, rightist Che Guevara got mentioned in it somewhere.

And are we going to pretend that Antifa attacked a single fascist person at Berkeley? Because, I could be down for that...
Since you didn't read the article, rightist Che Guevara got mentioned in it somewhere.

And are we going to pretend that Antifa attacked a single fascist person at Berkeley? Because, I could be down for that...

No...I’m just accepting the fact that rightest commit more acts of political violence which injure and kill far more people than left wing extremists do by far in this country and are a significantly bigger problem.
So the eight years of the Obama Administration didn't produce similar type comments and actions directed at Presidemt Obama from voices on the right?

It is easy to cherry pick what someone as a Michael Moore or Ted Nugent said and generalize it to reflect a whole grouping of people, but it isn't honest
No...I’m just accepting the fact that rightest commit more acts of political violence which injure and kill far more people than left wing extremists do by far in this country and are a significantly bigger problem.

True, even without regurgitating the past, currently you won't find many left leaning "militias" practicing their survival strategies in the woods on weekends
Yes... how damned uncivilized of liberals. Imagine the uncivilized nature of violently attacking someone with ad hominem words. Why we all know that the rightest methods of blowing up buildings and sniper attacks on innocent civilians is a vastly more civilized manner of communicating our differences.

You failed to read the article before responding, therefore ended up looking like a fool. Do you run your life this way?
No...I’m just accepting the fact that rightest commit more acts of political violence which injure and kill far more people than left wing extremists do by far in this country and are a significantly bigger problem.

Are you counting Mao, Hitler, and others of leftist ilk?
No...I’m just accepting the fact that rightest commit more acts of political violence which injure and kill far more people than left wing extremists do by far in this country and are a significantly bigger problem.

Even in America this isn't true. Asia, alone, proves that you are wrong. Throw in Eastern Europe and Latin America, and it's overwhelming. At least Western Europe is historically more balanced regarding violence.