Why are leftists such cry-babies?


This article from Nov of '16 ought to help bring things to light:

The Rage Of The Cry-Babies

Across America, outraged liberals have taken to the streets to block traffic, cause mayhem and destroy property because their candidate lost the presidential election. In Los Angeles leftists shut down the 101 Freeway, while in Oakland protestors shouted obscenities in Spanish while smashing windows and starting fires.

This liberal tantrum is being driven by ideology as much as by rage at the possibility that someone might take their government handouts away. This applies as much to the protestors themselves as the financial oligarchs who usually fund their operations.

Life for those who live off government in America has been good for a long time now. For the past few decades, and especially since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, the economic spoils have increasingly gone to the financial elite and the state-dependent rather than the workers and taxpayers in the heartland of America. Productive Americans have been progressively subsidizing the economic parasites. Overall, it’s been a good time to be a liberal in Obama’s America.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/10/the-rage-of-the-cry-babies/#ixzz4bKIpR6Dk
We are angry because we live in a fascist dictatorship and do not rule ourselves. The people will overthrow this illegitimate, evil fascist totalitarian dictatorship and reassert rule of themselves.
We are angry because we live in a fascist dictatorship and do not rule ourselves. The people will overthrow this illegitimate, evil fascist totalitarian dictatorship and reassert rule of themselves.
No, you're angry because someone's going to take your free stuff. Why can't you minority groomers be honest for once?