Why are people so afraid to call racists racist?

It would not do much good, since the left has used the word so many times that the real meaning has been obscured. "Racist" is just a lefty synonym for righty or conservative now.

That's because the right in the US has become entirely a white nationalist movement. There are no non-racist Republicans anymore. The wingnuts entirely ate one side of the political spectrum, and the Democrats are the only ones remaining with any sort of sense at all. "Rightism" has, in all essential ways, become synonymous with racism, because they're all racists. They demand not to be called racist though? They say racist shit, do racist things, but are all offended when they are labelled as what they are. And it's more offensive these days to call a racist a racist than it is to be a racist. We live in truly Orwellian times.
The right isn't even conservative anymore. The center-left in America are the true conservatives. The right is entirely reactionary and neo-fascist in nature, entirely obsessed with eliminating and reversing the rate of change in the racial makeup in the United States to preserve a white majority.
It would not do much good, since the left has used the word so many times that the real meaning has been obscured. "Racist" is just a lefty synonym for righty or conservative now.

Racist is what a lib calls anyone that they've lost an argument to and consider not liberal enuf for them . They'll even call another liberal a racist if that liberal isn't considered far enuf to the left for them.
Racist is what a lib calls anyone that they've lost an argument to and consider not liberal enuf for them . They'll even call another liberal a racist if that liberal isn't considered far enuf to the left for them.

In your mother tongue:

Вы фашист, и мы поставим вас на стену.
That's because the right in the US has become entirely a white nationalist movement. There are no non-racist Republicans anymore. The wingnuts entirely ate one side of the political spectrum, and the Democrats are the only ones remaining with any sort of sense at all. "Rightism" has, in all essential ways, become synonymous with racism, because they're all racists. They demand not to be called racist though? They say racist shit, do racist things, but are all offended when they are labelled as what they are. And it's more offensive these days to call a racist a racist than it is to be a racist. We live in truly Orwellian times.

Thank you for validating my post
In your mother tongue:

Расисты являются расистскими и должны быть помечены как таковые.