Why are Posting Times in Mountain Time Zone


Verified User
I am on the West Coast, while I know that some Forum members are on the East Coast, still it seems to me that all the Forum posts are an hour ahead of my Pacific Time Zone posts, which show up on this Forum using the US Mountain Time Zone? I am speculating that this Forum Board headquarters is somewhere in the Mountain Time Zone? On the old Board, everything was posted using the Eastern Time Zone. Are the time Zone's settings adjustable as to where the posting member actually lives or is that too ID personal, because I want mine Pacific Time, if I could. On the old Board, many Libs thought that I lived on the East Coast, because all my posts showed as coming from the East Coast Time Zone and it bothered me at the time, because I am in Menifee California or Califa as the Radical Latinos want to say. This Board is much better run than that Lib dominated Netscape/AOL Board, where the Lib (hidden)moderators controlled everything, they especially tried to control anyone who did not toe the Liberal line, like me.
I am on the West Coast, while I know that some Forum members are on the East Coast, still it seems to me that all the Forum posts are an hour ahead of my Pacific Time Zone posts, which show up on this Forum using the US Mountain Time Zone? I am speculating that this Forum Board headquarters is somewhere in the Mountain Time Zone? On the old Board, everything was posted using the Eastern Time Zone. Are the time Zone's settings adjustable as to where the posting member actually lives or is that too ID personal, because I want mine Pacific Time, if I could. On the old Board, many Libs thought that I lived on the East Coast, because all my posts showed as coming from the East Coast Time Zone and it bothered me at the time, because I am in Menifee California or Califa as the Radical Latinos want to say. This Board is much better run than that Lib dominated Netscape/AOL Board, where the Lib (hidden)moderators controlled everything, they especially tried to control anyone who did not toe the Liberal line, like me.

Just go to Forum Actions/General Settings/Date & Time Options. I have mine set to GMT.
Settings (top of the page).....general settings....find the time zone you wish to use
Thanks, now it is working fine.
Does my last post, before this one show 4:54am to you'all? I assume that everyone else's post times will show to me, using my time zone instead of their own real time zone, so that their posts show a time relationship sequence to my own Pacific Time Zone. If someone was back East reading my same post, it would show as 7:45am to them, instead of 4:45am, correct?
Does my last post, before this one show 4:54am to you'all? I assume that everyone else's post times will show to me, using my time zone instead of their own real time zone, so that their posts show a time relationship sequence to my own Pacific Time Zone. If someone was back East reading my same post, it would show as 7:45am to them, instead of 4:45am, correct?
Does my last post, before this one show 4:54am to you'all? I assume that everyone else's post times will show to me, using my time zone instead of their own real time zone, so that their posts show a time relationship sequence to my own Pacific Time Zone. If someone was back East reading my same post, it would show as 7:45am to them, instead of 4:45am, correct?

All posts are set to the local time that you've chosen. Your first post shows up as 12:34 pm for me.