Why are Republicans so awed that we're going to treat them like they treeated us?


We will have vengeance. When the American people take back power from this illegitimate, unelected fascist despot, and once again rule themselves, we will strike his name from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by this illegitimate congress. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!
We will have vengeance. When the American people take back power from this illegitimate, unelected fascist despot, and once again rule themselves, we will strike his name from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by this illegitimate congress. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!

You don't have anything, you're a complete 0. You lost everything. Scream and shout and cry all you want, demonstrate 'till the cows come home if you think it makes you feel better but the fact of the matter is, we now control the entire federal government and soon, the supreme court.

Meanwhile Trump is doing exactly what he said he's going to do during the campaign because Trump is not a lying politician. You're no longer a factor. The ones we have to worry about are the RINO rats like Graham, McCain, McConnell, and Collins, not your lot.

A note to Trump supporters; keep your guns ready and loaded. These people are capable of extreme violence when they form their mobs.
We will have vengeance. When the American people take back power from this illegitimate, unelected fascist despot, and once again rule themselves, we will strike his name from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by this illegitimate congress. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!

No man can admire thee for thy sharp acute language, such is thy natural disability that way. Be it so: yet there be many other good things, for the want of which thou canst not plead the want or natural ability. Let them be seen in thee, which depend wholly from thee; sincerity, gravity, laboriousness, contempt of pleasures; be not querulous, be content with little, be kind, be free; avoid all superfluity, all vain prattling; be magnanimous. Doest not thou perceive, how many things there be, which notwithstanding any pretence of natural indisposition and unfitness, thou mightest have performed and exhibited, and yet still thou doest voluntarily continue drooping downwards? Or wilt thou say that it is through defect of thy natural constitution, that thou art constrained to murmur, to be base and wretched to flatter; now to accuse, and now to please, and pacify thy body: to be vainglorious, to be so giddy-headed., and unsettled in thy thoughts? nay of all these thou mightest have been rid long ago: only, this thou must have been contented with, to have borne the blame of one that is somewhat slow and dull, wherein thou must so exercise thyself, as one who neither doth much take to heart this his natural defect, nor yet pleaseth himself in it.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations