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I realize that Super Tuesday didn't go well for them, and they are right to be concerned, but geez do they appear to be freaking out of late.
The interesting thing about post Super Tuesday topics is that it's the tRump followers who tend to be the most aggressive in levelling insults to those who do not share their views Conversely, it is the none tRump supporters tend to be more reserved and respectful in their disagreements. Then again, given the tactics that tRump himself uses, I shouldn't be at all surprised.
Personally, I look forward to the Biden tRump debates. These will put a man who is gaffe prone with one who is a pathogical liar. While I seriously doubt that the debate(s) will change anyone's political persuasion, they will be most entertaining to watch.
When you and your ilk are ready to return to civility, let us know. It's laughable (and typical) that you would blame the morass on us.
Super Tuesday was just fine for us, record numbers turned out to support the President. Meanwhile, the "party of diversity", now has a choice between two olde pasty white guys.