Why are the Liberals so Unpatriotic?


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Why do the Lefties always look down on US, making excuses to the A-Rabs about US, like Obama did on his Mid-Eastern tour awhile back. Here is moore proof of the all too frequent Liberal denunciation of US......."This iconic picture of firefighters raising the stars and stripes in the rubble of Ground Zero was nearly excluded from the 9/11 Memorial Museum — because it was “rah-rah” American, a new book says.

Michael Shulan, the museum’s creative director, was among staffers who considered the Tom Franklin photograph too kitschy and “rah-rah America,” according to “Battle for Ground Zero” (St. Martin’s Press) by Elizabeth Greenspan, out next month.

“I really believe that the way America will look best, the way we can really do best, is to not be Americans so vigilantly and so vehemently,” Shulan said..............."

Any time you try and lump all liberals together it is no more accurate than when Desh tries to lump all conservatives together.
Then come out and be patriotic and chastise some of your unpatriotic cohor Libs. At least, you are not denying my post, but I want to see moore Libs come out and start being moore like Tea Partiers who are very patriotic.
Then come out and be patriotic and chastise some of your unpatriotic cohor Libs. At least, you are not denying my post, but I want to see moore Libs come out and start being moore like Tea Partiers who are very patriotic.

You want libs to be more patriotic (by your definition of patriotism), so they can prove to you that they love this country?

So liberals who volunteered for military service and risked their lives overseas are less patriotic than some conservative who didn't serve but waves a flag every chance he gets?
I'm on a bus.


Edit: Stupid gif isn't working.
Lol...Fucking SJJ thinks liberals aren't patriotic because we don't dress up in silly costumes and petticoats and prance around carrying Don't Tread On Me Flags in one hand and Rush's latest book in the other hand????????

Then come out and be patriotic and chastise some of your unpatriotic cohor Libs. At least, you are not denying my post, but I want to see moore Libs come out and start being moore like Tea Partiers who are very patriotic.

"the tea party is a creation of enterprising political and public relations professionals, constructed to accomplish a political purpose. A study published in the Tobacco Control Journal actually traced the origins of the tea party to “free-market” groups founded by tobacco corporations and the oil industry billionaires David and Charles Koch.

According to researchers at UC San Francisco:

“Rather than being a grassroots movement that spontaneously developed in 2009, the Tea Party organizations have had connections to the tobacco companies since the 1980s. The cigarette companies funded and worked through Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), the predecessor of Tea Party organizations, Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, to accomplish their economic and political agenda.”

Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), was founded in 1984 by the Koch brothers.

There is even a tea party website registered to a Koch group in 2005, long before the conservative outcry we now know as the tea party began...

...the tea party is still controlled by enterprising political and public relations professionals, funded by the David and Charles Koch. In coverage of the IRS scandal, there were 11 people who were involved in tea party groups quoted about IRS scrutiny. Of those 11, 10 have substantial ties to Americans for Prosperity (AFP). AFP (also founded and funded by the Kochs), is the direct descendent of CSE – one of the groups who registered a tea party site in 2005. Of those 10 with ties to AFP, 2 actually work for the organization currently. All 10 have received aid from AFP which included help with messaging and communication."

Patriotic tea party!!! LOL!!! They work for the Koch brothers and you think they are patriots! ROFL!

Oh my sides hurt!!!
Am I the only one who reads that and hear the theme to Rawhide?

Nope. It's been a tradition this summer for the boy and me to get up on Saturdays to watch 2 episodes of Rifleman followed by one episode of Rawhide....then we start our day.
“Still another danger is represented by those who, paying lip service to democracy and the common welfare, in their insatiable greed for money and the power which money gives, do not hesitate surreptitiously to evade the laws designed to safeguard the public from monopolistic extortion.

Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.

They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution.

They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.”

Henry A. Wallace

The deception of the Tea Party is nothing new and SJJs perception of the world and reality are really quite hilarious.