Why aren't Republican "voter fraud" measures targeting absentee ballots, too?


Why aren't Republican "voter fraud" measures targeting absentee ballots, too?

Why, because the Republicans are the ones committing the fraud on Absentee ballots!


For a group that's convinced that Obamacare is nothing but an underhanded election strategy (that they're losing to), the Elephants have certainly been resorting to a lot of underhanded tactics themselves to try to maintain their fragile and slipping grasp on the power they have left.
hell the SCOTUS just this year turned down the republican partys request to get out of the court ordered consent decree that forces them to be watched so they cant CHEAT black voters.

even the right wing scotus didn't want to touch this case because if they did the whole decades of rebuplican cheating would be on the nightly news

Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree

January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its fight against voter fraud.

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…)

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.
BTW a republican asshole was just fired for giving an interview in which he admitted the new republican laws in voting in the states were for the purpose of keeping dems from voting