Why blacks dont vote for Republicans


Hell yes their smart enough to vote their own self interest. Thats why the vote Dem you moron. If they were to vote for Rpublicans than they would have to put the 40 down, throw away the crack pipe and get off their lazy ass and do some work. So yes they are smart enough to vote in their own self interst. Now if can just get them smart enough to vote in the best interst of SOCIETY and not just THEMSELVES that would be something....

This is from another site that I frequent.

It is in response to me asking arent black people smart enough to vote their own best interest because people were insisting they are always fooled by the Dem party.

I have seen these kinds of things said over and over again by people on the right.

Is it racist in your estimation?

I find it the epitomy of racism.
The strategy of Republicans since the 60's has been to systematically oppose every program designed to help blacks and reduce racism while not directly stating their distaste for blacks. It worked.
This is from another site that I frequent.

It is in response to me asking arent black people smart enough to vote their own best interest because people were insisting they are always fooled by the Dem party.

I have seen these kinds of things said over and over again by people on the right.

Is it racist in your estimation?

I find it the epitomy of racism.

SR is on that board now? :confused:
This is from another site that I frequent.

It is in response to me asking arent black people smart enough to vote their own best interest because people were insisting they are always fooled by the Dem party.

I have seen these kinds of things said over and over again by people on the right.

Is it racist in your estimation?

I find it the epitomy of racism.

Because they are party hacks like Desh?

P.S. Shout out to my niggas in East Oakland. Keep it real y'all.
cause racism is the countries biggest problem and the fossils like Mcain & co. want to keep locking brothers up for a joint yet let Lindsy do a week in country club rehab for a pound of coke!!!!! Duh
cause racism is the countries biggest problem and the fossils like Mcain & co. want to keep locking brothers up for a joint yet let Lindsy do a week in country club rehab for a pound of coke!!!!! Duh

:rolleyes: Right!... Lindsey Lohan had a 'Pound' of coke and only had to go to rehab! Spin is okay but pa-lease skip the exaggeration toppy!
cause racism is the countries biggest problem and the fossils like Mcain & co. want to keep locking brothers up for a joint yet let Lindsy do a week in country club rehab for a pound of coke!!!!! Duh

okay, this made me laugh
what happened to fat al's son.
Ok, so she didn't have a pound. Your not going to tell me there's not 1,000 brothers in jail for the amount many hollywood stars go to rehab for.
what happened to fat al's son.
Ok, so she didn't have a pound. Your not going to tell me there's not 1,000 brothers in jail for the amount many hollywood stars go to rehab for.

You mean cocaine residue? Or are you referring to the time that Robert Downey Jr. did for possession?