Why can talk radio hosts advertise on air, but tv can't?


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I know there are laws/FCC regulating TV shows from advertising directly on air. TV shows used to stop their programming and start advertising, while still live. Then it was regulated into forcing them to show ads only during "commercial breaks."

So why is radio exempt? Talk radio hosts regularly start blabbing on about some product as if it were part of their regular broadcast.

The worst offender is Glenn Beck. Who will go on a 2-4 minute tangent about how the world economies are likely collapsing soon. Then at the end of his rant he says, "This is why you need to buy goldline now."

So why the double standard? I think Talk Radio should NOT be able to advertise during the program. It leads to false and misleading claims to sell products. EG Glenn constantly telling listeners the world is ending and that you must stock up on gold.