Why Did A Liberal Knock The Fairness Doctrine?


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The Fairness Doctrine (1949 - 1987) was implemented to force Americans to listen to the Democrat Party’s collectivist ideology.


If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.


No Democrat dared say this in the 38 years the Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) was enforcing the Fairness Doctrine:

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt says “fairness is overrated” and the news media no longer needs to present both sides of a given story.

NBC News Anchor: ‘Fairness Is Overrated’
By Joseph Curl
Mar 31, 2021


FOX still practices the Fairness Doctrine while the “Fair & Balanced” network is hemorrhaging viewers. That is why I do not understand Holt’s motive —— he should have taken Hamlet’s advice:



Holt apparently believes that TV viewers should be given a choice between hardcore conservative networks, and hardcore liberal networks. I pray that he gets his way.

Liberal networks will take a beating financially because there are not enough liberals to support liberalism’s ideology. Even now, tax deductible advertising dollars keep liberal networks afloat.
The fairness doctrine doesn't apply to the current strategy.
When the Right lies, which is to say, whenever they say something,
simply separate them from their money with lawsuits.

It's a good start for our "communist" strategy to "redistribute the wealth."
I had a different proposal, but we'll try this method for a while.
Dark Money manages the mind of too many on the right today and with the loss of local newspapers etc it is getting worse. I am preparing a piece on topic but read books below if you want to know.

"Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America." Bernie Sanders

"No one saw it coming,” but what they mean is that they consider the people who saw it coming to be no one. The category of “no one” includes the people smeared by Trump in his propaganda: immigrants, black Americans, Muslim Americans, Native Americans, Latino Americans, LGBT Americans, disabled Americans, and others long maligned and marginalized—groups for whom legally sanctioned American autocracy was not an unfathomable horror, but a personal backstory." Sarah Kendzior

'Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America'


and these:

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

Book below covers its history, excellent read:

The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
It's a good start for our "communist" strategy to "redistribute the wealth."

To NiftyNiblick:

God and black holes always fascinated me since scientists first told me that gravity’s pull in a black hole is so dense not even light can escape.


You and your glorious leader are sucking the rest of us into:

Here Are Some of the Most Outrageous Line Items In Biden’s $2.2T ‘Infrastructure’ Bill
byJonathan Davis
about 17 hours ago


Doofus’ policies are so dense the country may never escape his black hole.
The Fairness Doctrine (1949 - 1987) was implemented to force Americans to listen to the Democrat Party’s collectivist ideology.


If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.


No Democrat dared say this in the 38 years the Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) was enforcing the Fairness Doctrine:

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt says “fairness is overrated” and the news media no longer needs to present both sides of a given story.

NBC News Anchor: ‘Fairness Is Overrated’
By Joseph Curl
Mar 31, 2021


FOX still practices the Fairness Doctrine while the “Fair & Balanced” network is hemorrhaging viewers. That is why I do not understand Holt’s motive —— he should have taken Hamlet’s advice:

Holt apparently believes that TV viewers should be given a choice between hardcore conservative networks, and hardcore liberal networks. I pray that he gets his way.

Liberal networks will take a beating financially because there are not enough liberals to support liberalism’s ideology. Even now, tax deductible advertising dollars keep liberal networks afloat.

Did you see the leftists piece of shit Lester Holt say the other day that fairness is overrated? The assholes "voted" in an imbecile president and a kamal but the imbecile isn't just an imbecile. That would be bad enough but it's also a lying piece of shit as well as a racist. The kamal will say and do anything to get ahead even lay on it's back for the highest bidder. This is what's controlling america right now.
The Fairness Doctrine (1949 - 1987) was implemented to force Americans to listen to the Democrat Party’s collectivist ideology.


If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.


No Democrat dared say this in the 38 years the Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) was enforcing the Fairness Doctrine:

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt says “fairness is overrated” and the news media no longer needs to present both sides of a given story.

NBC News Anchor: ‘Fairness Is Overrated’
By Joseph Curl
Mar 31, 2021


FOX still practices the Fairness Doctrine while the “Fair & Balanced” network is hemorrhaging viewers. That is why I do not understand Holt’s motive —— he should have taken Hamlet’s advice:

Holt apparently believes that TV viewers should be given a choice between hardcore conservative networks, and hardcore liberal networks. I pray that he gets his way.

Liberal networks will take a beating financially because there are not enough liberals to support liberalism’s ideology. Even now, tax deductible advertising dollars keep liberal networks afloat.

Did you see the leftists piece of shit Lester Holt say the other day that fairness is overrated? The assholes "voted" in an imbecile president and a kamal but the imbecile isn't just an imbecile. That would be bad enough but it's also a lying piece of shit as well as a racist. The kamal will say and do anything to get ahead even lay on it's back for the highest bidder. This is what's controlling america right now. And don't forget their wrinkled colostomy bag friend in congress, Nance who the imbecile takes orders from.