APP - Why did Comey drop the bomb on Hillary right before the election

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Lots of JPP lefties have asked that question. Apparently, they think that because Comey did what he did in October that he couldn't have been pro Hillary despite all of his pro hillary actions like drafting an exoneration letter before interviewing her.

I was trying to think of various scenarios and then my wonderful memory came to the rescue. It was because he was FORCED to.

Let's go back to that time. Remember who was being indicted for inappropriate behavior with a minor? Oh yeah, that would have been one Anthony Weiner who was married to Hillary's muslim brotherhood crony Huma Abedin.

The NYPD secured Weiners laptop as part of that investigation and discovered all of those classified emails on HIS laptop. Well, the NYPD threatened to spill the beans. Comey had not choice.

Imagine what would have happened had the NYPD showed what was on Weiners laptop? By reopening the investigation, Comey was able to get the evidence and keep it from every being public. Of course Comey still thought nothing could keep Hillary from winning.

But, by announcing the reopening of the investigation, Comey was actually trying to help Hillary and cover his own tracks.
I really am a brilliant political analyst. I see things way before others see them. I posted this OP over a week ago basically highlighting that Comey was FORCED to reopen the investigation. He was sitting on the evidence but his hand got forced. He figured he would reopen the investigation. He would then say "nothing to see here". Hillary would win and problem solved. But, Trump won. OOOOPPPPSSSS