why did gawd pick a POS like trump & not good Christian man like Pence???


Creator of the Universe & a pos like trump is all he has to work w/????? That is funny, if not so sad...

Creator of the Universe & a pos like trump is all he has to work w/????? That is funny, if not so sad..

First off, Pence is no more of a christian then Trump is. He is just a toady for Trump.

Second, scripture says that in the "last days" there will be a falling away of believers. That day is here. It is just a decision as to whether the "last days" are here for the earth as a whole, of just for the United States.

Then too, there could be yet another revival such as there was at Azusa Street.

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Good question, Bill. According to some of their god's prophets, like the esteemed Joel Osteen, the Lord loves a rich man. Pence has probably got a lot more bucks than the rest of us, but Toadstool *really* knows how to play up the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous like he is one. After Melania, Stormy, and all those others, Pence and "Mother" just don't quite measure up.

Just ask your nearest Evangelical!