Why did the young vote #remain? They miss Daddy. #BrexitVote

cancel2 2022

I love Judgy Bitch, she is Kryptonite to the Regressive Left.

Watching liberals collapse in perplexed hysterics over the Brexit decision has been highly entertaining, and while I’m certain the best is yet to come, given the demographics of the Remainiacs, who skew young, a few things stand out already. First is their absurd lack of knowledge about their own freaking history. Over and over again, Remain Millenials have sobbed over how their holidays are gonna be fucked because now they aren’t allowed to travel in Europe. They won’t be able to study, work, or own second homes in Europe now.
According to one weepy snowflake commenting at the Financial Times:
…the younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences that we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors.
.What. The. Fuck? Do these fucking morons really believe that Europeans have not traveled, lived, worked or married other Europeans for centuries, or are they so fucking lazy that the simple requirement of having to apply for a goddamn visa or show a passport to a border control agent is too much effort? This is the most preposterous argument Remain peddled, IMO.
Oh, boo hoo. I want to go to Spain for the weekend and I’ll need to find my passport, boohoo I’m so oppressed…. Essentially, it amounts to ‘I will experience a tiny bit of inconvenience and I am far too precious for something as horrifying as inconvenience.’ And they’re confused why their elders who might actually remember what fighting the Nazis was like consider them spoiled, pampered little twerps?

According to The Financial Times, Remain voters tend to share 5 characteristics:

  1. College educated
  2. Professional occupations
  3. Hold current passports
  4. High income
  5. Younger than 44
Let’s flip that around to describe the average Leave voter:

  1. Highschool or trade education, or less
  2. Working class occupations
  3. No current passport
  4. Low income
  5. Older than 44
So, older, lower income, less educated workers who have no passports, likely because they have no money to travel abroad, should listen to their social and financial betters, who know far better than they do what is in their best interests. Hmmm…. Where have we heard this story before?

Oh right. In the UK, it was called Chartism: the fight for working class rights.
“Chartism was a working class movement, which emerged in 1836 and was most active between 1838 and 1848. The aim of the Chartists was to gain political rights and influence for the working classes. Chartism got its name from the formal petition, or People’s Charter, that listed the six main aims of the movement.
All men to have the vote (universal manhood suffrage)
Voting should take place by secret ballot
Parliamentary elections every year, not once every five years
Constituencies should be of equal size
Members of Parliament should be paid
The property qualification for becoming a Member of Parliament should be abolished.”
Chartism as a movement failed, but all the demands, except yearly elections, were eventually met by 1918. What was the primary opposition to chartism? This might sound familiar, but the educated, high income upper and middle classes really felt they knew what working class folks needed better than working class folks did. And the answer, once again, was ‘fuck you’.

The Left likes to scream that Brexit is about xenophobia – fear of immigration and foreigners, and while that is undeniably part of the conversation, the real issues here are democracy and sovereignty. The UK fought long and hard to bring their democracy to life, and to simply surrender it to a committee in Brussels they didn’t elect and can’t vote out is unconscionable. The Left also likes to scream that the UK should be ashamed of the former wonders of the British Empire, which united 75% of the globe at one point, but many Leavers refuse to be ashamed of a glorious past that gave birth to the modern world. Was it a flawless, painless birth? Hell no! Show me one that is. It was, however, a remarkable achievement worth celebrating, and British sovereignty is that celebration.

Am I arguing that the Remain vote is happy to dispense with both democracy and sovereignty? Yes. That is exactly my argument. Both of those concepts require something the Remain team is not fond of: personal responsibility. I think The Economist has summed it up perfectly: this week’s issue Divided We Fall asserts ‘in the post-truth politics that is rocking Western democracies, illusions are more alluring than authority.’

Illusions are more alluring than authority. Obviously, the EU represents authority. What are the ‘illusions’ that are more alluring? The illusion of choice. Of controlling one’s destiny. Of democracy. Of independence. Of accountability, Of responsibility. According to The Economist, these things are mere illusions that do not, in reality, exist, and the answer is to snuggle safely under the protective wings of the authority of the European Union. Leave said ‘fuck that noise.’ Remain says ‘I miss my real Daddy but you’ll do, EU’.

Is it really surprising that the generation raised by proud single mothers, the generation more likely to have a smart phone than a dad who lives in the home with them, is crying out for the boundary setting paternalism of the EU? What is the EU other than the Daddy substitute most modern liberal democratic governments represent? Recall that after suffrage, the first thing women voted for was lifetime alimony – all the benefits of being married, but none of the responsibilities, and women have continued to vote to replace personal, family bonds with government ones.

Now women have done one better, and raised a generation of whimpering, weak-minded, responsibility averse, perpetually aggrieved moaners for whom the need to make difficult, complex choices is always someone else’s responsibility. In the case of Brexit, that’s the EU. This is a generation raised in daycare centers because Mommy was too busy cooking, cleaning or caring for others for money, and so plagued with guilt that junior’s every whim was indulged immediately, all while Daddy was either torn from the home or so emasculated he needed written permission to touch his own balls.

The time is finally upon us now. We have had enough of this shit. Brexit is just the beginning. Leave is often cast as ‘rejecting the liberal world order’, but what they have really rejected is the female world order. Women, (mis)led by feminists, have shackled the traditional powers of both men and women and tried to replace them with Big Daddy government. The EU is under attack from Islamic invaders, once civil societies now have rape and crime rates that rival the world’s biggest cesspools, the economy is rigged to deliver returns principally to shareholders and not workers, and the global elite have eaten naïve politicians pandering to irrational women voters alive. The West is on the brink of collapse, and the adults in the room are finally reaching their limits. Time to clean house and restore order.

Some commentators on the Left are terrified that Brexit channeled the same anger and frustration Donald Trump is currently channeling to great success. They are correct. Trump will win, against all polls, just as Brexit did. And the more the educated, professional, pampered milquetoasts of the middle and upper classes hector the working classes, the more they solidify Trump’s base. What is being rejected here, make no mistake, is the paternalism of Big Government, whether that is the EU or the Democrats. What is not being rejected is paternal power. It’s just being returned to the people.

Where it belongs.

Welcome home, Daddy.

Lots of love,

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Wow, that OP turns the world upside down. In America it is the well to do who are the republican / conservative / libertarian base, I know them, they too have second homes, passports and privilege. The readers above who claim the opposite must live in an America that only exists in the ideology world of propaganda. Those of us from the working class had none of the supports the wealthy had and have. If we made it, we did it, had nothing to do with mother government, although mom may have pushed you. Weird thinking for sure and representative of just how shallow Americans on the right have become.

A conservative on trump voters and republicans: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/donald-trump-mainstream-conservative/
Why do people who live in areas without any immigrants always hate immigrants the most? London is the one who's going to have to deal with immigrants, not you out in the shitty countryside. But it's the people in the shitty countryside that go apeshit about it. The world would be a better place if we just napalmed the flyover states.
Why do people who live in areas without any immigrants always hate immigrants the most? London is the one who's going to have to deal with immigrants, not you out in the shitty countryside. But it's the people in the shitty countryside that go apeshit about it. The world would be a better place if we just napalmed the flyover states.

YEAH; because it's common knowledge and a law that immigrants have to stay in the cities and can't travel to the countryside. :palm:

You're an idiot.
Why do people who live in areas without any immigrants always hate immigrants the most? London is the one who's going to have to deal with immigrants, not you out in the shitty countryside. But it's the people in the shitty countryside that go apeshit about it. The world would be a better place if we just napalmed the flyover states.

You have obviously never been to England otherwise you wouldn't write such crap. The USA is nearly 70 times bigger in area than England and we have had several million immigrants come here in the last decade. It is completely unsustainable; housing, education, the NHS, roads and infrastructure are all under intense pressure. Do me a favour and shut the fuck up about something that you are so clueless about, there's a good chap.
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Here's a map of net international migration:


Fact is nobody immigrates from another country and immediately sets to pull themselves up from their bootstraps in some shitty flyover area with zero opportunities. The places here that receive the least immigrants, though, are the most anti-immigrant.
You have obviously never been to England otherwise you wouldn't write such crap. The USA is nearly 70 times bigger in area than England and we have had several million immigrants come here in the last decade. It is completely unsustainable; housing, education, the NHS, roads and infrastructure are all under intense pressure. Do me a favour and shut the fuck up about something that you are so clueless about, there's a good chap.

Quit whining. You know nothing about this besides what you read at some racist xenophobic website. I can't take your word on anything. You're are the past. You have spat the children of Britain in the face, and ruined their future. You have destroyed your country.