Text Drivers are Killers
Biden likes little girls
Black crime and poverty keep out the whites and asians who might vote for a non-black.
oct 25 2022 How can a black elected official survive demographic change that could scatter his supporters? The answer is black crime. Crime and mayhem do not guarantee that blacks won’t move out — many will — but “blackness” will keep others out. Creating an undesirable neighborhood is equivalent of establishing an ethnic homeland. Black elected officials may complain about a Soros-designated district attorney who opposes cash bail — but not too loudly.
This race-related disorder can be viewed as anti-gentrification. So, just as whites follow statistics on murder and shootings, black leaders may be alert to “threats” to their geographical domination: the spread of over-priced gourmet coffee shops, trendy art galleries, and fashionable boutiques catering to young white “settlers.” Indeed, the sight of a jogger in a designer tracksuit sounds the alarm and may require putting a few more drug dealers on the street corner as deterrents.