Why do cats love to sleep on keyboards?

Because they've learned, through your reactions, that it is amusing. :cof1:

My reaction is pretty boring. I just pick her up by the back of her neck and rest her on my shoulder. But the damned thing goes back to the key board. Maybe it's like a massage bed to them.
My reaction is pretty boring. I just pick her up by the back of her neck and rest her on my shoulder. But the damned thing goes back to the key board. Maybe it's like a massage bed to them.

Maybe she likes resting on your shoulder and she finds that when she's on the key board, you pay attention to her.
Maybe she's just evil. I used to have an evil cat. That's not to say that his predecessor and successor were either boring or perfect, but he was certainly evil.
Maybe she's just evil. I used to have an evil cat. That's not to say that his predecessor and successor were either boring or perfect, but he was certainly evil.

I love my little kitten. She can work door knobs and will fetch. And she sleeps by my feet.

Na, I don't think she's evil.
my son and I were gaming last month and as we were taking a pause in action I was showing him something on my computer.....his avatar was on my screen and for some reason it started jumping up and down....turned around and his dog was licking the spacebar on his keyboard.....activating the jumps.....