This is an easy, because you're a pig fucking retard that's why.
In this retrospective study using a national sample of Medicare claims data, chronic use of prescription opioid drugs was correlated with support for the Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election. Republican support explained 18% of the variance in county rates of opioid use in 3100 counties in the United States, with counties whose opioid prescription rates were above average having a higher mean (SE) Republican vote (59.96% [1.73%]) than counties with prescription rates below average (38.67% [1.15%]). This association is related to underlying county socioeconomic characteristics that are common to both chronic opioid use and voting patterns, particularly characteristics pertaining to income, disability, insurance coverage, and unemployment.
As to the OP claim, it's bullshit. Here's the key part of the paper cited:
This is a classic cum hoc prompter hoc fallacy. Just because there is correlation, doesn't mean causation. That is, the paper never shows that those with opioid issues (not addiction as the paper never uses that word) are actually the ones voting Republican. Instead, it found that there was a higher rate of opioid issues in counties that voted more for Republicans. There was no finding that the Republicans that voted were actually the ones with opioid issues. That is something that was assumed by the OP poster, but not in the study.
Why do I describe right wingers as Meth Addicts? to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 1.6 million people (0.6 percent of the population) reported using methamphetamine in the past year, and 774,000 (0.3 percent) reported using it in the past month. The average age of new methamphetamine users in 2016 was 23.3 years old.2
Charles Kurzman, “The Meth Vote,” November 29, 2016.
This fall, the Department of Health and Human Services released its first detailed estimate of the number of methamphetamine users in the United States. The total: 897,000, located disproportionately in small cities and nonmetropolitan areas.
This is Trump country. Counties with the most clandestine drug lab busts — averaging one or more per year since 2012, according to addresses listed online (new address, 2018) by the Drug Enforcement Agency — supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton by a margin of more than 2 million votes, according to preliminary returns. Trump lost the popular vote in the rest of the country.
Even in rural areas, meth counties voted for Trump by a margin 9 percent greater than elsewhere.
Meth users and dealers are not numerous enough to make a difference on this scale, and they are not likely to be active voters in any case. In Catawba County, North Carolina, for example, 31 people were arrested for possession or sale of methamphetamines and other Schedule II substances in the month before this fall’s election. Of those, only 11 had ever voted.
Except that 'meth' is NOT an opioid.
'Methamphetamine is not an opioid and does not fall within this drug class.'
Meth is a stimulant.
Opioids are painkillers.
Different class of drug.
because being high on meth is the only thing I think about any more......
of coursebecause being high on meth is the only thing I think about any more......
to try and hide that left wingers are the actual meth addicts so here you are trying to make a blame game out of it to try and hide your meth addiction ...
This is an easy, because you're a pig fucking retard that's why.