APP - Why do JPP liberals hold these opposing views?


Former Vice President
I have noticed an interesting phenomenon from board liberals.

I often see threads from people complaining that Trump wants to be a dictator and he wants authoritarian rule.

Conversely, I see other threads of liberals bemoaning that Trump can't get the GOP to do what he wants. Or Trump hasn't come up with his own healthcare plan to give to Congress. Or he hasn't come up with a plan for this or that.

Well, my observation is that Trump has acted more constitutionally than any President in recent memory. From a Constitutional standpoint, it is not the President's job to craft legislation. It is not the President's job to come up with budgets. Those are the jobs of Congress.

I came to this realization from a combination of reading left wing posts on JPP and listening to a RINO on PMSNBC whining that Trump hasn't given Congress a bill to "chew on". I thought to myself. That is your job. It is your job to legislate. It is your job to craft bills. It is the President's job to veto or sign. At least from a Constitutional perspective.

But somehow over the years the Presidency has morphed into this super role, yet conversely people complain that they act like dictators all the while they stand by and let it happen.

With regards to the healthcare bill, Trump had a perfectly good, constitutional approach. He merely said "Republicans, you have said for 7 years you want to repeal Obamacare. I am here to tell you I will sign it". The GOP in Congress failed. Anyone who thinks this was a failure of Trumps, is just a political hack.

Here is where we cue the "you will defend Trump no matter what". To that I will say, if you can find me a repeal bill that Trump refused to sign then I will criticize him. But, he can no more make those RINO senators do what he wants than I can make liberals smart. Some things are impossible