APP - Why do leftists always have to lie about who they are?


First we have Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren who tried to pass herself off as an injun in order to advance her career at Harvard. And instead of admitting she flubbed, she doubled down with a DNA blood test that proved she was 1/1024th peruvian.

Then we have Beto O'rourke the privledged white Irish guy trying to pass himself off as hispanic

And now we have the new media darling "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" who tells us she is just a poor girl from the Bronx. Of course we learn that she actually lived in upscale Westchester, went to Boston University and until recently called herself "Sandy"

Why can't leftists ever be honest?
First we have Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren who tried to pass herself off as an injun in order to advance her career at Harvard. And instead of admitting she flubbed, she doubled down with a DNA blood test that proved she was 1/1024th peruvian.

Then we have Beto O'rourke the privledged white Irish guy trying to pass himself off as hispanic

And now we have the new media darling "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" who tells us she is just a poor girl from the Bronx. Of course we learn that she actually lived in upscale Westchester, went to Boston University and until recently called herself "Sandy"

Why can't leftists ever be honest?

Don't all politicians do this? Trump is probably the ultimate example.
Note that in all three cases the politician is trying to claim victim status. By doing so they can always claim their debate opponent has some sort of privilege and that turns the debate over from the real issue (that they cannot win) to their bullshit argument.