Why do leftists have such a hard on to destroy trump?


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The short answer is they are scared shitless of his reappearing in 2024. Why would a group who claims to have won an election fairly and who control the Senate, the house and the white house be spending so much time trying to put him away? They can't kill him but I wouldn't be surprised if they have had meetings about it, so they have to try to nullify him at all costs. They know if he gets to the campaign for 2024 he is going to beat that stolen election from day one and they are scared to death people will listen.

The short answer is they are scared shitless of his reappearing in 2024. Why would a group who claims to have won an election fairly and who control the Senate, the house and the white house be spending so much time trying to put him away? They can't kill him but I wouldn't be surprised if they have had meetings about it, so they have to try to nullify him at all costs. They know if he gets to the campaign for 2024 he is going to beat that stolen election from day one and they are scared to death people will listen.

I absolutely think he should run in 2024. I will encourage him to do so.
What specifically did I write in the OP that attacked your intelligence. Copy and paste

The entire post, this one in particular: "They can't kill him but I wouldn't be surprised if they have had meetings about it".

Who are "they"?
What is clear is Yakuda is the one who has a HARD-ON for Donald Trump!

Most Democrats are pretty much convinced Donald Trump will be in jail by the time 2024 comes around.
I absolutely think he should run in 2024. I will encourage him to do so.

Nobody give a fuck you encourage. The fact is the leftist cunts have to bury him because if he resurfaces they are fucked. Youre the only one not bright enough to see it.