Why do leftists push EVs?

One day in the not too distant future EV's Will be the predominate vehicles on the road, count on it. Thankfully there will still be some gas powered vehicles around for those with a nostalgia for the sound and smells of a gas powered motor. EV's, like all new technologies are going to have growing pains, think of any technology that you enjoy today and every one of them had teething issues and newer and newer upgraded versions came about until we are where we are today. Gas and oil will not being going away, many industries will have to stay with that source of power for the foreseeable future.
I will never understand the reluctance and downright hate some on the right have for electric vehicles and for alternative power sources, in fact many of those here in Texas that are behind alternative energy sources are conservative businessmen, it simply makes no sense.
One day in the not too distant future EV's Will be the predominate vehicles on the road, count on it. Thankfully there will still be some gas powered vehicles around for those with a nostalgia for the sound and smells of a gas powered motor. EV's, like all new technologies are going to have growing pains, think of any technology that you enjoy today and every one of them had teething issues and newer and newer upgraded versions came about until we are where we are today. Gas and oil will not being going away, many industries will have to stay with that source of power for the foreseeable future.
I will never understand the reluctance and downright hate some on the right have for electric vehicles and for alternative power sources, in fact many of those here in Texas that are behind alternative energy sources are conservative businessmen, it simply makes no sense.

Electric vehicles aren't new.


Alternative energy sources are heavily subsidized, so it's no wonder that businessmen are behind them.

Where will the electricity to run hundreds of millions of EVs come from?
One day in the not too distant future EV's Will be the predominate vehicles on the road, count on it. Thankfully there will still be some gas powered vehicles around for those with a nostalgia for the sound and smells of a gas powered motor. EV's, like all new technologies are going to have growing pains, think of any technology that you enjoy today and every one of them had teething issues and newer and newer upgraded versions came about until we are where we are today. Gas and oil will not being going away, many industries will have to stay with that source of power for the foreseeable future.
I will never understand the reluctance and downright hate some on the right have for electric vehicles and for alternative power sources, in fact many of those here in Texas that are behind alternative energy sources are conservative businessmen, it simply makes no sense.

This is the process that conservatives actually agree with. It is in contradiction to leftists who want to ban fossil fuels and mandate unrealistic benchmarks and requirements within narrow windows of time.
This is the process that conservatives actually agree with. It is in contradiction to leftists who want to ban fossil fuels and mandate unrealistic benchmarks and requirements within narrow windows of time.

Where will the electricity to run hundreds of millions of EVs come from?
Hope and change. Presumably, alternatives will become reliable enough that we won't see situations like the bird traps freezing over in Texass. Or we'll just go nuclear. :D

Why do leftists push EVs?

Because they have been indoctrinated with the message that electric vehicles are a necessary component of saving the planet. As for the facts and evidence almost not a single one has a clue, because they dont care, a lot of them are so ignorant that they dont think that power would hardly ever lie to them so they feel no need to investigate. Also a lot of them never learned how to think for themselves, they have no choice but to believe what they are told.
Because they have been indoctrinated with the message that electric vehicles are a necessary component of saving the planet. As for the facts and evidence almost not a single one has a clue, because they dont care, a lot of them are so ignorant that they dont think that power would hardly ever lie to them so they feel no need to investigate. Also a lot of them never learned how to think for themselves, they have no choice but to believe what they are told.

This is the process that conservatives actually agree with. It is in contradiction to leftists who want to ban fossil fuels and mandate unrealistic benchmarks and requirements within narrow windows of time.

I do not disagree, it is a process and takes time. Setting goals is not bad and as we both know sometimes the goal posts get moved. We Will get there, I still have faith in our ingenuity we just need a will.
Electric vehicles aren't new.


Alternative energy sources are heavily subsidized, so it's no wonder that businessmen are behind them.

Where will the electricity to run hundreds of millions of EVs come from?

Initially it will come from gas powered power plants and eventually more and more of it will come from Solar and Wind power, WHY would you be against it, it seems all you have to say is negative, have you lost faith in our ability to get it done?