why do most shows ....


Villified User
Why do most popular shows focus on the negative aspects of our society ?
People airing their pitiful dirty laundry on talk shows ?
Idiots on the judge shows.
Crime forensics about horrible crimes and even worse looking corpses.
Reality shows about how to charm and screw you co people.
People screwing around on their mates
and on and on...

I know people like it, but am looking for something deeper than that and am at a loss.
Entertainment. Being a dreg of society, I for one eat it up! As matter of fact I've got a new train wreck I'll be tuning into from now on: The house of Carters. They are a complete mess and I am going to love to hate them! I must admit, there is a little schadenfreud behind it that is comforting and makes up for my insecurities: they may be filthy rich, famous, and beautiful, but at least I'm not crazy and hooked on meth.
So the worse the people on TV look the better we feel about ourselves. We say at least I am not as bad as ....... ?
I don't think this is a real good statement on our society as a whole.
I like the shows like LOST where you get to speculate as to the mystery of the plot. They are also not all about the worst of us.

The CSI show also has the good guys invariably winning, saying it is only about the worst? Meh...
Not all shows Damo, just most.
CSI, yes the good guys win I suppose, but it is very gruesome and still dwells on the dregs of our society that commit the crimes being solved. And also leads people to believe that all crimes get this attention to being solved. that sure is a pipe dream.
And then so many bragged about pulp fiction which appeared to have no redeeming values whatsoever.

Then there is Maury, springer and such shows that show real trashy people of our society. Perhaps others get the impression that being that way is ok ?

then talking on frivilous lawsuits, the court show would seem to say have a disagreement, get the courts to solve it, don't try to solve it on your own like responsible adults.
"Then there is Maury, springer and such shows that show real trashy people of our society. Perhaps others get the impression that being that way is ok ?"

LOL, the who's your baby's daddy shows? They are terrible. Guilty pleasure of mine.
Yeah I saw a preview for the Maury show. A 14 yr old dancing around saying she would have a baby if she wanted to. And had already had one miscarriage.
viewing this to me is sort of like participating in pedo stuff.
Sad very sad.
Hmm, yes those types of shows are all about dramatics.

Sorry if I am hitting a religious subject with some, but it is the way I feel.
I find it a bit amazing that people will tear the pedo threads up but avoid ont that speaks bad about TV shows ? interesting statement, without any statement being made.
Um, my guess would be that trash tv doesn't interest most, however child predators do.
So 14 YR old girl with one miscarriage and pregnant again is not the same stuff ? Dancing around saying I will have a bably if I want to ?
Maury will probably have his biggest ratings ever. sad to say.
Another Maury preview had one lady on there for the third time trying to ID the father of her baby. About 6 guys all told for the test. all races it looked like too.
Why do people support these shows with viewerrship while denouncing the actions of those on the show ?
I don't watch it, the previews are too much for me.
I watch the evening local news and weather most evenings in my workshop, commercials are unavoidable.
No, a pregnant promiscuous teen on maury is not the same thing as a child predator in congress.
no, but I don't thinks "amazing" that people wouldn't really comment on shows they don't watch and instead comment on a representative in congress who is a child predator. I'm just not really seeing the correlation/irony/or hyprocrisy if any.
Meanwhile, Fox is planning a new "reality" (sic) series . . . set in a Danish animal farm. It is tentatively titled Some Prigs are More Equal Than Others.