APP - why do not areas that lose utility services not put them underground

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i have often wondered why areas that regularly lose above ground utilities during major storms put those utilities underground

how many articles have you read regarding loss of power due to a major storm (of which we are getting more and more)

like this article...especially when the us usually pays for diaster relief

oh well

BOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A blizzard packing hurricane-force winds hammered the northeastern United States on Saturday, cutting power to 700,000 homes and businesses, shutting down travel and leaving at least nine people dead.

The mammoth storm that stretched from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic dumped more than 3 feet of snow across the Northeast, the National Weather Service said.
Coastal blizzard and flood warnings were in effect, but Massachusetts and Connecticut lifted vehicle travel bans as the storm slowly moved eastward on Saturday evening.
Stratford, Connecticut, Mayor John Harkins said he had never seen such a heavy snowfall, with rates reaching 6 inches an hour.
"Even the plows are getting stuck," Harkins told local WTNH television.
The storm centered its fury on Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, with the highest snowfall total, 40 inches, in Hamden, Connecticut.
About 2,200 flights were canceled on Saturday, for a total of more than 5,800 over the past two days, according to FlightAware, which tracks airline delays. A few hundred additional cancellations are possible for Sunday, it said.
Boston's Logan International Airport and Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, were shut down. Logan, hit by nearly 22 inches of snow, was expected to reopen at least partly later on Saturday.
The storm dumped 29.3 inches of snow on Portland, Maine, breaking a 1979 record, the weather service said. Winds gusted to 83 miles per hour (134 km per hour) at Cuttyhunk, New York, and brought down trees across the region.
The storm contributed to at least five deaths in Connecticut, according to Governor Dannel Malloy and police.
An 80-year-old woman was killed by a hit-and-run driver while clearing her driveway, and a 40-year-old man collapsed while shoveling snow. One man, 73, slipped outside his home and was found dead on Saturday, Malloy said.
A 53-year-old Bridgeport man was found dead in the snow Saturday morning outside his home, and a 49-year-old man died while shoveling snow in Shelton, police said.
Two people died of carbon monoxide poisoning in separate incidents in Boston. One of the victims was an 11-year-old boy who was overcome by fumes as he sat in an idling car to keep warm, a fire official said. The other victim was a man in his early 20s who was found unresponsive in his car, police said.
In Poughkeepsie, New York, a man in his 70s was struck and killed on a snowy roadway, local media reported. A 23-year-old man was killed in Germantown, New York, when the tractor he was using to plow his driveway rolled down an embankment, according to local media.
A 30-year-old motorist in New Hampshire died when his car went off the road, but the man's health might have been a factor in the accident, state authorities said.
Police in New York's Suffolk County, some using snowmobiles, rescued hundreds of motorists stuck overnight on the Long Island Expressway, said police spokesman Rich Glanzer.
Emergency medical services personnel in Worcester, Massachusetts, delivered a baby girl at her mother's home at about 3 a.m. on Saturday with the aid of National Guard soldiers.
Even as the big storm's force was slackening, the National Weather Service warned of blizzard conditions developing in the Great Plains on Saturday and continuing into Monday.
Snow and, in some areas, blizzard conditions were expected across parts of Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota and Wyoming, it said. A foot or more of snow is expected in some areas.
Utility companies reported about 700,000 customers without electricity across nine states as the wet, heavy snow brought down tree branches and power lines.
The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts, lost power and shut down automatically late on Friday, but there was no threat to the public, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said.
In Boston, a National Hockey League game scheduled for Saturday between the Tampa Bay Lightning and Boston Bruins was canceled because of the blizzard.
As the storm tapered off, streets in Cambridge, Massachusetts, were largely quiet except for snowblowers and shoveling. Kevin Tierney, 41, struggled with a snowblower to carve out a parking space in more than 2 feet of snow.
"I had this all planned out, and I don't know who said it, but everybody goes into a boxing match with a plan until they get punched in the mouth," said Tierney, an attorney.
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Maine declared states of emergency before the storm. The U.S. Postal Service suspended mail delivery in parts of those five states plus New Hampshire and Vermont.
Although New York was hit by a foot of snow, Fashion Week went on unfazed as crowds arrived to watch the morning's shows by Ruffian and LaCoste.
Andrea Daney, a digital marketing senior manager for LaCoste, said she was trying to be discreet as she changed from snow boots to high-heeled crushed blue velvet ankle boots.
"I'm calling it the shoe storm of the century," she said. "You have to make adjustments to your outfit."
The snow delighted New England's ski industry after a dry winter that has left green grass visible across much of the region.
Greg Kwasnick, a spokesman for Loon Mountain in Lincoln, New Hampshire, said business was slightly slower than normal on Saturday but likely would pick up in coming days as roads cleared.
"Snow is what it's all about," he said.
(Additional reporting by Scott Malone in Boston, Kevin Gray in Miami, Ellen Wulfhorst in New York, Ian Simpson in Washington, Jason McLure in Maine, Dan Burns in Connecticut, Brendan O'Brien in Wisconsin and Dan Lovering and Zach Howard in Massachusetts; Writing by Ian Simpson; Editing by Vicki Allen and Eric Beech);_ylv=3
I tend to find people are not very proactive in these matters. During the 90s, Western WA got hit with a lot of snow storms. During the last major one in 1998, a neaby road called Perkins Way experienced landslides. The road is surrounded by cliffs with lots of hanging trees and a creek on one side. As a result, a large barrier was built along the cliff wall at the spot where the landsliding had been most prevalent. Then, the barrier sat their idly for a decade, because it did not snow again (minus a light snowfall in April of 2001) until 2008, following a massive windstorm the previous year (which had knocked out power in the region for a week in many cases).
I tend to find people are not very proactive in these matters. During the 90s, Western WA got hit with a lot of snow storms. During the last major one in 1998, a neaby road called Perkins Way experienced landslides. The road is surrounded by cliffs with lots of hanging trees and a creek on one side. As a result, a large barrier was built along the cliff wall at the spot where the landsliding had been most prevalent. Then, the barrier sat their idly for a decade, because it did not snow again (minus a light snowfall in April of 2001) until 2008, following a massive windstorm the previous year (which had knocked out power in the region for a week in many cases).

my adoptive sister lives in tacoma, are correct that most people are not willing to pay for improvements that 'cost too much' even though in the long run it is to their benefit and will pay for themselves

even the cost can be spread out over a decade, but people still will not pay for it...they will just complain when storms cut out their utilities

it reminds me of the story of the man with a roof that leaks, he said "that when it does not rain there is no problem and when it rains he cannot fix the roof..."

oh well
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Even here in hurricane land the cities are too cheap to put them underground.

here in ca, new housing / industrial projects are required to have underground utilities while older projects have to put it up to a vote

oh well
Why do people build multi million $ homes on hurricane prone beaches?

Why do they build below sea level in NO?

Build in the shadow of volcanoes?

On barrier islands?
The answer in Mass is simple.
The utilities enjoy a legislated profit, regardless of expense.
There is therefore, no incentive to cut storm repair costs.