Why do some blacks take so long to bury someone?

Irish Exit

Verified User
Aretha died on the 16th and is being buried on the 31st. Someone a few weeks ago went to their grandmothers funeral who had died more than two weeks before that. I have seen some blacks wait about a month to bury someone. I am just curious if there is a reason for this rooted in custom or tradition somewhere.


I wonder too. Perhaps they have similar customs to some of my Native American friends. As most here know I am of Choctaw descent and I still have lots of friends who are very much rooted in the customs of our ancestors. One such custom is keeping the deceased laid out in their living room...sometimes for two weeks or more...until a service was held. When you go visit the family and pay your respects you sit around the body. Who knows how some customs become a part of the traditions of a people.
Aretha died on the 16th and is being buried on the 31st. Someone a few weeks ago went to their grandmothers funeral who had died more than two weeks before that. I have seen some blacks wait about a month to bury someone. I am just curious if there is a reason for this rooted in custom or tradition somewhere.

Lots of friends and family have to travel to attend.. I would guess that's the reason.
Aretha died on the 16th and is being buried on the 31st. Someone a few weeks ago went to their grandmothers funeral who had died more than two weeks before that. I have seen some blacks wait about a month to bury someone. I am just curious if there is a reason for this rooted in custom or tradition somewhere.

It's 2018, modern technology and chemicals allow families to make their own schedule that will be convenient for the Family and well wishers.

It's 2018, modern technology and chemicals allow families to make their own schedule that will be convenient for the Family and well wishers.


More like they have to determine whether the ones they call "brother/sister" are actually family members because of the high percentage of bastards among blacks.