Why do the Conservatives always try to say liberal news won't show this, or that?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Do they not know, that it takes someone with a grade school understanding, a few minutes to show how full of shit they are? A reasoned adult can do it in moments.

Great example: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...l-freezes-over-before-Fake-News-show-this-vid

MSNBC posted it on their Twitter. https://www.google.com/search?q=tru...FsGjzwKYibLICA&start=10&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=626

CNN reports it: https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-n...live-news/trump-hurricane-florence/index.html

Do you dumbasses even watch, or check? You probably close your eyes, and say ahh, as they shove bullshit down your throat, and you just accept it. That's what a fucktard is defined by.

That is what they tell each other over and over in the RWNM. Generally is something only they know. Which means it isn't really true. So the only way they can explain only being able to find it on their conservobot sites is... the Left wont report it. Then they expand that to everything so it kinda fits, in the RWNM of course.
Fox Gnus tells them the real news will not cover it. it stops there. They could use their remote and check. But that would mean taking off Hannity. not permitted. So if he says it, it is true.
I didn't know that Trump appointed a black Surgeon General ..... Did you ?

You liberals wouldn't want that to come out ...... Lol !
If they actually watched normal news they wouldn't say that, but they don't. Nothing must interfere with the RW buzz in their heads.
Do they not know, that it takes someone with a grade school understanding, a few minutes to show how full of shit they are? A reasoned adult can do it in moments.

Why do the Conservatives always try to say liberal news won't show this, or that?

Because they heard it on Rush Limbaugh.
What's your opinion of Hannity, Tucker Carlson and the news they've been covering? What about the DOJ & FBI cabal, how they're covering it and Sara Carter's contributions to those shows? What about Alan Dershowitz's contributions to those shows? Do y'all leftist watch those shows? What other shows are covering the issues that Carleson and Hannity are covering and in what depth are they covering it? Don't you think the DOJ/FBI/INTEL corruption is the # ONE issue in America today? If not what is? I'm interested in y'all opinions about all of that.
What's your opinion of Hannity, Tucker Carlson and the news they've been covering? What about the DOJ & FBI cabal, how they're covering it and Sara Carter's contributions to those shows? What about Alan Dershowitz's contributions to those shows? Do y'all leftist watch those shows? What other shows are covering the issues that Carleson and Hannity are covering and in what depth are they covering it? Don't you think the DOJ/FBI/INTEL corruption is the # ONE issue in America today? If not what is? I'm interested in y'all opinions about all of that.

Dersh appears regularly on MSNBC and CNN. And no you are not interested. The Fox Gnus fake news shit is beneath response. Number one is the addition of a far right wing nut to the Supremes. Two is mueller and the jailing of righty after righys. all who thought they could get away with anything. Not above the law after all.
What's your opinion of Hannity, Tucker Carlson and the news they've been covering? What about the DOJ & FBI cabal, how they're covering it and Sara Carter's contributions to those shows? What about Alan Dershowitz's contributions to those shows? Do y'all leftist watch those shows? What other shows are covering the issues that Carleson and Hannity are covering and in what depth are they covering it? Don't you think the DOJ/FBI/INTEL corruption is the # ONE issue in America today? If not what is? I'm interested in y'all opinions about all of that.

I don't pay any attention to fuckwits like Hannity, Carlson, or Dershowitz regardless of where they slither out from.
Dersh appears regularly on MSNBC and CNN. And no you are not interested. The Fox Gnus fake news shit is beneath response.

Do you know that because you watch it and have evidence that it's fake news? Or are you simply dismissing it motivated by leftist bias and therefor a closed mind?

Number one is the addition of a far right wing nut to the Supremes.

Which "far rightwing nut?" And a nut because? can you and will you elaborate on that accusation?

Two is mueller and the jailing of righty after righys. all who thought they could get away with anything. Not above the law after all.

Can you name the "righties" and the crimes they're being jailed for? That would be nice if you could.
I don't pay any attention to fuckwits like Hannity, Carlson, or Dershowitz regardless of where they slither out from.

That simply means you have a closed biased mind and haven't a clue what they're saying and likely are simply being controlled by what somebody else is "programming" you to think, huh? That's pretty sad!
I get emails daily from teaparty.com. They talk like rightys on this board. yesterday headline :Grassley tells Fords liberal hack attorneys ; no dice. in the latest lunatic demands.
Do they not know, that it takes someone with a grade school understanding, a few minutes to show how full of shit they are? A reasoned adult can do it in moments.

Great example: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...l-freezes-over-before-Fake-News-show-this-vid

MSNBC posted it on their Twitter. https://www.google.com/search?q=tru...FsGjzwKYibLICA&start=10&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=626

CNN reports it: https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-n...live-news/trump-hurricane-florence/index.html

Do you dumbasses even watch, or check? You probably close your eyes, and say ahh, as they shove bullshit down your throat, and you just accept it. That's what a fucktard is defined by.

Awww...snowflake going full on douche and triggered. :rofl2:

I was expecting the conservative bashers on this thread to supply some evidence for their vial hate-filled post aimed at conservatism and conservatives, I'm disappointed! Apparently they need no reasons for their hate and vial they have no evidence of anything, just the talking points they've collected from CNN & MSNBC. I do believe they've proven they've been indoctrinated. Now I know why Fox is the # ONE cable news channel.