Why do you ^$*$*&$s keep putting political content in here?!!!

Might be nice to have one place here where politics doesnt creep in and ruin everything. A place where people can talk ANYTHING BUT politics.

Oh I see what you mean. There are two other forums that sometimes politics creep in.
Might be nice to have one place here where politics doesnt creep in and ruin everything. A place where people can talk ANYTHING BUT politics.

Politics has become worse than the pandemic. I'm disgusted with both topics.

We need to be talking about the Cowboys that failed to show up yesterday!

You know- The important stuff!
America and in fact all of the West is dying, it was suicide.

People like you use Politics as an expression of hatred towards others that do not share all of your negative views on life. For people like you, politics is not about issues, or political party, it is about attitude- AND NOT A GOOD ATTITUDE OR ANYTHING CLOSE TO NORMAL- BUT A NEGATIVE AND VERY DARK ATTITUDE ABOUT LIFE IN GENERAL.

You are simply miserable in all areas of your life, and you want to blame others for your own personal miserableness, and since you cannot be happy with anything, you just want everyone to be as miserable as you are.

So naturally, most of your comments center around your intolerance of others, doom and gloom, and general hatefulness expressed towards all others.

If you wanted to change, you could, but it starts with taking a look under your own hood and realizing that something went wrong in your life, that made you so unhappy you never could let it go, so you hold a grudge or grudges, that you simply refuse to let go of.

Life is short- too short to Let YOUR OWN NEGATIVE ATTITUDE spoil it for you!


People like you have no room for anything positive to come into your life, because your negative attitude overwhelms you and dooms you right out of the gate.

No one caused your bad attitude- as every man, woman, and child on Earth is responsible for their own attitude and happiness.

You must hold yourself responsible for your own attitude! It does take work and effort on your part to fix the problem- NO ONE ELSE CAN DO THIS FOR YOU- No President- No political party- and no act of Congress can fix your bad attitude or your hatred or intolerance for others.
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