Why does everyone positively love Capt?


Uwaa OmO
I know, I know. This shouldn't need an explanation. But day after day I get asked this same question;

"Capt, you're charming, ruggedly handsome, and you smell amazing. Like a delicious single malt scotch. How do you manage to be so spectacular?"

Well I wish there was a simple answer, but sadly there isn't. My ruggedness naturally comes from my piratical experience and my Irish heritage, as does my James Bond like charm. Not to mention my sheer ability to succeed at everything I do. And then of course my legendary skill with the bottle, and the rifle.

And let's not forget my association with both the Youngins, and the TRINITY. Oh, and my being a high priest of the Old Ones.

All in all, I really can't blame you all for your love and admiration. My only regret in life, blessed as it is, is that I cannot experience the same joy that you all feel from my mere presence.
I know, I know. This shouldn't need an explanation. But day after day I get asked this same question;

"Capt, you're charming, ruggedly handsome, and you smell amazing. Like a delicious single malt scotch. How do you manage to be so spectacular?"

Well I wish there was a simple answer, but sadly there isn't. My ruggedness naturally comes from my piratical experience and my Irish heritage, as does my James Bond like charm. Not to mention my sheer ability to succeed at everything I do. And then of course my legendary skill with the bottle, and the rifle.

And let's not forget my association with both the Youngins, and the TRINITY. Oh, and my being a high priest of the Old Ones.

All in all, I really can't blame you all for your love and admiration. My only regret in life, blessed as it is, is that I cannot experience the same joy that you all feel from my mere presence.

My answer is hidden in small metal locked box that I've placed in the Salt River bed, under the old Tempe bridge.
Inside is a small prepaid cell phone and a piece of paper, with a phone number on it.
You have to call the number, hang up, and then wait for the call back that will tell you my answer.
I know, I know. This shouldn't need an explanation. But day after day I get asked this same question;

"Capt, you're charming, ruggedly handsome, and you smell amazing. Like a delicious single malt scotch. How do you manage to be so spectacular?"

Well I wish there was a simple answer, but sadly there isn't. My ruggedness naturally comes from my piratical experience and my Irish heritage, as does my James Bond like charm. Not to mention my sheer ability to succeed at everything I do. And then of course my legendary skill with the bottle, and the rifle.

And let's not forget my association with both the Youngins, and the TRINITY. Oh, and my being a high priest of the Old Ones.

All in all, I really can't blame you all for your love and admiration. My only regret in life, blessed as it is, is that I cannot experience the same joy that you all feel from my mere presence.
Fuck you....and fuck her too.
Fuck you....and fuck her too.
O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
I know, I know. This shouldn't need an explanation. But day after day I get asked this same question;

"Capt, you're charming, ruggedly handsome, and you smell amazing. Like a delicious single malt scotch. How do you manage to be so spectacular?"

Well I wish there was a simple answer, but sadly there isn't. My ruggedness naturally comes from my piratical experience and my Irish heritage, as does my James Bond like charm. Not to mention my sheer ability to succeed at everything I do. And then of course my legendary skill with the bottle, and the rifle.

And let's not forget my association with both the Youngins, and the TRINITY. Oh, and my being a high priest of the Old Ones.

All in all, I really can't blame you all for your love and admiration. My only regret in life, blessed as it is, is that I cannot experience the same joy that you all feel from my mere presence.

What a God send.:awesome:

Oh yes, go make your football picks.

And drink one for me.
I think it is the awesome gun porn.
Just wait until after Christmas. I'm contemplating blowing more money on a gun then I've spent on anything else in my entire life. A Krieghoff combination gun, with an 8 gauge under barrel and SxS 50-110WCF barrels on top. Quoted at $35,800. I have no conceivable use for it whatsoever. It would the greatest gun ever made.
Just wait until after Christmas. I'm contemplating blowing more money on a gun then I've spent on anything else in my entire life. A Krieghoff combination gun, with an 8 gauge under barrel and SxS 50-110WCF barrels on top. Quoted at $35,800. I have no conceivable use for it whatsoever. It would the greatest gun ever made.

I have a friend who wants to find himself a street sweeper shotgun.

I actually have someone with one for sale. Illegally, else it would be mine. Still, it cannot compete with my drilling rifle.

I'm pretty sure he would rather buy one that's not likely to be confiscated and charges filed.

If I could afford one, I would love to have one.
Alternate with shot and slugs and this would definetly make some bad guy wish he would have looked into a different line of work.
I'm pretty sure he would rather buy one that's not likely to be confiscated and charges filed.

If I could afford one, I would love to have one.
Alternate with shot and slugs and this would definetly make some bad guy wish he would have looked into a different line of work.

You are the bad guy. I would love to try this out on you. :)

Nothing puts the spring in my step like killing evil fuckers like yourself! :)
You are the bad guy. I would love to try this out on you. :)

Nothing puts the spring in my step like killing evil fuckers like yourself! :)

But then; you would more then likely shoot yourself in both feet and the ass, which would then require me to explain your stupidity to the paramedics and the police.