APP - Why does she scare the leftists so much?



As all democrat primary gets more and more crowded, one of the things that has surprised me is how the long knives have come out for Amy Klobuchar. Other than the Kavanaugh hearings, she has been a pretty irrelevant Senator in her career. All of these stories about "how mean" she is are coming from other democrats. Obviously, somebody sees her as a threat.

Are they concerned that next to the loons that are getting all the buzz she seems "normal" and could have a shot? Whatever it is, someone on the left is really trying to take her out early.

This story about her eating a salad with a comb and then making her staff clean the comb because he dropped utensils is hilarious.

What should be disturbing to people isn't that she made him wash the comb after she was done eating, it was that she DIDN'T have him wash it BEFORE she began eating with the comb.
I have no problem with the lib'rul media picking out the demmycrat nominee.......they did it for the Republicans in 2016 and that has worked out pretty well.........