APP - Why does the democrat party feel the need to control black people?


I know that the democrat party loves to fashion itself as the party of the minority. But, is that really true? When you ask for evidence, all they can really come up with is their support of programs that create dependency of the black person on government. That doesn't seem very liberating to me.

And this goes back hundreds of years

First the democrat party fought a civil war in order to maintain its hold on slavery of blacks

Then the democrat party formed the KKK as a terrorist organization to go after Republicans

Then the democrat party supported strong gun control measures to help their terrorist arm the KKK be more successful

Then the democrat party created Jim Crow laws to legalize and institutionalize their racism to keep blacks from voting

Today their disdain for blacks is there, but it is more under the radar. Today they like to blacksplain to them how they should act and feel.

Take the current kerfuffle with Candace Owens who is a forceful voice for individual liberty. Is that allowed among the democrat faithful? No. She is attacked for holding different views. So it is less about the democrat party supporting blacks as a general rule and more about them supporting blacks who hold the right viewpoints in issues the democrat party cares about.

What is really hilarious is that three great champions of how blacks should act jumped into a Twitter war with Candace Ownes; Tom Arnold who of course knows what it is like to live life as a poor black person, Perez Hilton who has long suffered as a black man and then there is Shaun King better known as Talcom X for faking existence as a black man. I am sure that Candace is appreciative of three privileged white guys lecturing her on what it means to be black.