APP - Why does the democrat party kill its potential voters



American leftists are full of too many contradictions to try to count, but the one that stands out to me the most is their ardent support of abortion on demand and its impact on minorities. It is a known fact that blacks as a percentage have overwhelmingly voted for the democrat party for decades to the tune of greater than 90%.

So why then would the democrat party support a policy that is basically exterminating a reliable voting bloc?

The numbers are staggering over 900 black babies are aborted EVERY day. That is 328,500 potential black voters every year. Since 1973 it is estimated that 19 million blacks have been aborted. Think of those black voters for the democrat party.

Now, will it be any different with hispanics? Will the democrat party who is counting on them for votes just march them off to today's version of the gas chambers? Only now they call it Planned Parenthood.

This is why I don't worry about "the browning" of America and demographics that the leftists think is going to propel them to electoral victory after electoral victory. The left is sold on wholesale murder of their own potential voters.

That's the fact Jack

American leftists are full of too many contradictions to try to count, but the one that stands out to me the most is their ardent support of abortion on demand and its impact on minorities. It is a known fact that blacks as a percentage have overwhelmingly voted for the democrat party for decades to the tune of greater than 90%.

So why then would the democrat party support a policy that is basically exterminating a reliable voting bloc?

The numbers are staggering over 900 black babies are aborted EVERY day. That is 328,500 potential black voters every year. Since 1973 it is estimated that 19 million blacks have been aborted. Think of those black voters for the democrat party.

Now, will it be any different with hispanics? Will the democrat party who is counting on them for votes just march them off to today's version of the gas chambers? Only now they call it Planned Parenthood.

This is why I don't worry about "the browning" of America and demographics that the leftists think is going to propel them to electoral victory after electoral victory. The left is sold on wholesale murder of their own potential voters.

That's the fact Jack

I would suggest that saying the Democratic party kills it's potential voters is above the pale and not a suitable way of stating the differences of opinion on abortion.

My position on abortion is that abortion should always be prevented when possible. But the best method of preventing abortion that is not being considered in America is largely being ignored. That is, working to prevent the need for abortions. Or at least, prevent what many women see as the need.

To expand on that: It can't succeed in my opinion if the only emphasis is on religious grounds that won't appeal to most likely the majority of women who seek abortions. The appeal against abortion must be based on the moral grounds that can be stated against abortion, which includes the harm being done to women who have abortions. That emphasis is lacking in America and there is far too much emphasis being put on political priorities.

I suggest that Canada has an example that is worth considering by Americans for direction. The fighting is not working!
I support 'rat women killing their own baybees. This has been my stance for a long time now.

Are you referring to your fellow Americans as rat women? Or for that matter, any other human being as equivalent of a rat? I would suggest to you that this section of the forum is supposed to be rising above that kind of behaviour and rhetoric.
Are you referring to your fellow Americans as rat women? Or for that matter, any other human being as equivalent of a rat? I would suggest to you that this section of the forum is supposed to be rising above that kind of behaviour and rhetoric.

I said 'rat, not rat. It's short for Democrat.
And so it's understandable that it's going to take a while for the mods and staff to find an acceptable limit to the level of bad behaviour on this section of the forum. Growing pains but well worth i!
The problem the democrats have is the mentality of their base, the democrat party is a combination of many special interest groups, that all want what they want and they want it now. Democrat Politicians have to cater to and "PROMISE" all of them. Let me give a few examples.

They have to talk incessantly about racism and bash conservative white males for the black vote.

They have to be for illegal immigration for the hispanic vote.

Gay everything and now transgender men that think they are women and still have it swinging in womens bathrooms.

They have to be for abortion and the MeToo movement for the womens vote.

Then they add of course environemental and animal rights.

Democrat Politicans know fully "KNOW" they cant do what they all want but they continue to promise and provoke the issues.

The real truth with american politics is that the Pendulum never stops moving left to right. The left lost both chambers and the white house, now they won back the house and chances are 2020 they will back the whitehouse and keep the house.

4 yrs later americans will see what the democrats are about and their failures and it will change again.

America is no different than the French Yellow Vest riots, we riot by voting in or out.
The problem the democrats have is the mentality of their base, the democrat party is a combination of many special interest groups, that all want what they want and they want it now. Democrat Politicians have to cater to and "PROMISE" all of them. Let me give a few examples.

They have to talk incessantly about racism and bash conservative white males for the black vote.

They have to be for illegal immigration for the hispanic vote.

Gay everything and now transgender men that think they are women and still have it swinging in womens bathrooms.

They have to be for abortion and the MeToo movement for the womens vote.

Then they add of course environemental and animal rights.

Democrat Politicans know fully "KNOW" they cant do what they all want but they continue to promise and provoke the issues.

The real truth with american politics is that the Pendulum never stops moving left to right. The left lost both chambers and the white house, now they won back the house and chances are 2020 they will back the whitehouse and keep the house.

4 yrs later americans will see what the democrats are about and their failures and it will change again.

America is no different than the French Yellow Vest riots, we riot by voting in or out.

All your opinions. I would just amend that spiel to say, 'Democrats and Republican' alike. If it's not the corruption and indecency that Trump has brought to America then it will be something else. What a trainwreck Sarah Palin would have been! How could America have even consider that sort of hillbilly lamebrain as the prospective Vice President?

I wonder if she gave a speech at McCain's funeral? LOL

Thanks for taking part on this section Yoda!
I said 'rat, not rat. It's short for Democrat.

IN my opinion that's going beyond the intent of the rules but maybe not? I'll bring it to the attention of the mods because I think we need some clarification. And of course, whatever they decide 'is' the rules.

I'll be more than happy to sit back and let others push the envelope.
IN my opinion that's going beyond the intent of the rules but maybe not? I'll bring it to the attention of the mods because I think we need some clarification. And of course, whatever they decide 'is' the rules.

I'll be more than happy to sit back and let others push the envelope.

All your opinions. I would just amend that spiel to say, 'Democrats and Republican' alike. If it's not the corruption and indecency that Trump has brought to America then it will be something else. What a trainwreck Sarah Palin would have been! How could America have even consider that sort of hillbilly lamebrain as the prospective Vice President?

I wonder if she gave a speech at McCain's funeral? LOL

Thanks for taking part on this section Yoda!

uh if you want to call Palin a lamebrain, then you have to accept Biden being totally braindead and an Uncle Andy, which is the reverse of Uncle tom.
uh if you want to call Palin a lamebrain, then you have to accept Biden being totally braindead and an Uncle Andy, which is the reverse of Uncle tom.

I have no interest in defending Biden or any other Democrat. As I've said quite a few times already, I'm a Canadian with no dog in the fight. And for what it's worth, it's a mad dog fight.

But Sarah Palin was and is just too obviously a lamebrain, no-mind idiot whose only appeal was a wisea-s mouth and an somewhat aged pretty face. It was shameful of McCain to stoop so low in his effort to attract the wrost of America's society.

Having said that, America needs to find a political direction which doesn't include the two major parties. And thanks again for you opinion and your participation here on the APP section.
I have no interest in defending Biden or any other Democrat. As I've said quite a few times already, I'm a Canadian with no dog in the fight. And for what it's worth, it's a mad dog fight.

But Sarah Palin was and is just too obviously a lamebrain, no-mind idiot whose only appeal was a wisea-s mouth and an somewhat aged pretty face. It was shameful of McCain to stoop so low in his effort to attract the wrost of America's society.

Having said that, America needs to find a political direction which doesn't include the two major parties. And thanks again for you opinion and your participation here on the APP section.

Not even conservatives are wild about palin, no one even knew she existed except alaskans until McCains gambit.
McCain thought if he took on a conservative republican woman he was a shoo in for the Presidency, well she cost him the presidency.
Not even conservatives are wild about palin, no one even knew she existed except alaskans until McCains gambit.
McCain thought if he took on a conservative republican woman he was a shoo in for the Presidency, well she cost him the presidency.

I accept your apology for Palin. But the fact is that it's all water under the bridge and it's a shame the GOP will have to live with. Thankfully for most of Trump's GOP supporters, they won't find anything unusual about Palin and no reason will enter their empty heads as to her being anything but a normal person.
They have a balancing act to manage. Need votes to buy but every dollar spent buying vote is a dollar less to give to the people who own them.