APP - Why does the left hate Thanksgiving?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I don’t mean the actual day per se, but the real spirit and meaning of the day and the REAL history of the celebration and not the lies and half truths taught by union run public schools

When the Mayflower set sail the passengers couldn’t pay their own way so they enlisted investor’s. In an effort to ensure repayment of their investment these investors instituted a policy of NO private property. So they had the colonists set up a common store where every colonist had an equal share. Think of it as a precursor to communism/socialism. Well, in that first year 50% of the 100 pilgrims perished. Those that were left had little in the way of incentive or motivation.

William Bradford who had lost his young wife decided to scrap the compact and issued one acre of land to each person to do with as they pleased and more importantly KEEP the fruits of their labor. Well, the effects were immediate and profound. Productivity increased substantially.

That first feast was to give thanks to God for delivering them from a deadly fate.

Yes the indians did help the pilgrims in the beginning, but that is only half the story.

This is why the left hates Thanksgiving as it is a real life testament to the power of private property in increasing prosperity.
I don’t mean the actual day per se, but the real spirit and meaning of the day and the REAL history of the celebration and not the lies and half truths taught by union run public schools

When the Mayflower set sail the passengers couldn’t pay their own way so they enlisted investor’s. In an effort to ensure repayment of their investment these investors instituted a policy of NO private property. So they had the colonists set up a common store where every colonist had an equal share. Think of it as a precursor to communism/socialism. Well, in that first year 50% of the 100 pilgrims perished. Those that were left had little in the way of incentive or motivation.

William Bradford who had lost his young wife decided to scrap the compact and issued one acre of land to each person to do with as they pleased and more importantly KEEP the fruits of their labor. Well, the effects were immediate and profound. Productivity increased substantially.

That first feast was to give thanks to God for delivering them from a deadly fate.

Yes the indians did help the pilgrims in the beginning, but that is only half the story.

This is why the left hates Thanksgiving as it is a real life testament to the power of private property in increasing prosperity.
Did they pay back the investors?
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That is a good question. I do not know. I do think it is important to understand the real history of Thanksgiving

I despise that our history has been rewritten by leftist universities.
Should you be the one writing our history??