Why does the right think lies about Clinton OK's their president actions .


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Scum bag is a the lowest form of a human being and everyone knows that, but the right has no problem selling out their country in support of this criminal but the biggest howl is that literally every charge against Clinton has been found to be a lie, but they keep on repeating this lie over and over and the goofy part is they think that their lies about Clinton justify the action of scumbag. They litteral think that what someone else does justifies the action of their mental case madman.
Scum bag is a the lowest form of a human being and everyone knows that, but the right has no problem selling out their country in support of this criminal but the biggest howl is that literally every charge against Clinton has been found to be a lie, but they keep on repeating this lie over and over and the goofy part is they think that their lies about Clinton justify the action of scumbag. They litteral think that what someone else does justifies the action of their mental case madman.

gosh that was brilliant........can you do it in something a bit less illiterate?....
They know they are toast as a party, so they will lie cheat and steal to try to save some form of power in this country, There toast automatically with demographics but since they put the scum bag into office, every day they lose that much more support. Demographics would have taken 3 decades but with scum bag and demographics, it will be less then a decade in all probability. Scum bag will be gone soon and Pence is complicit with scum bag, paul is gone so who is next down the line for this hate party. Across this country hate party politicians will be disappearing by the boxcar loads. The house goes back to the patriots of this country and the hate party keeps the senate but there is no way that scum bag or anything that is left after scum bag or any one in the hate party has a chance. I say that after the next presidential election, this hate party will never see one of them as president again. So The next election . I have no idea what the right will have left for a candidate , the two top will probably be real bussy in court or jail and Paul bailed on this hate group and many more of their politicians bailed with him. I know why.
Lets hope they cheat so desperately they get caught red handed on election day and end up gone before the 2020 election