Old Trapper
Verified User
I understand the left does so, however, this is about the right wing who claim to be the party of morals.
Recently the cover of the NRA's magazine, American Rifleman, had in big bold letters, "BANNED GUNS GIVEAWAY" Well, since i know of no guns that have been banned lately I had to see what the deal was. Seems like the liars at the NRA are giving away 12 guns that Charles Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi, would like to see banned, well, according to the liars anyway. Now today, and again from the liars at the NRA, I get in the mail a letter from the NRA with the big bold letters saying "85 Days To Save Our Guns". Again I go "huh?" Well, again the liars at the NRA are using fear mone=gering to raise funds to fight Democrat candidates in the November 6th. elections.
So, I have to ask, why is it the right wing has to rely so heavily on fear, paranoia, and lies, to get their anti-American agenda passed?
Recently the cover of the NRA's magazine, American Rifleman, had in big bold letters, "BANNED GUNS GIVEAWAY" Well, since i know of no guns that have been banned lately I had to see what the deal was. Seems like the liars at the NRA are giving away 12 guns that Charles Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi, would like to see banned, well, according to the liars anyway. Now today, and again from the liars at the NRA, I get in the mail a letter from the NRA with the big bold letters saying "85 Days To Save Our Guns". Again I go "huh?" Well, again the liars at the NRA are using fear mone=gering to raise funds to fight Democrat candidates in the November 6th. elections.
So, I have to ask, why is it the right wing has to rely so heavily on fear, paranoia, and lies, to get their anti-American agenda passed?