'Why Don't Y'all Let That Die?'

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Telling The Emmett Till Story In Mississippi

"The people in Tallahatchie County are to a great degree tired of Emmett Till," says former county prosecutor John Whitten.

He lives in Sumner, Miss., where the two men who killed Till were tried and acquitted by an all-white jury, only to confess to the killing when they sold their story to Look Magazine months later. Whitten's father was one of the defense lawyers.

John Whitten was 7 at the time and still sticks with the version of the story he learned back then.

"Fella who came down here and got in trouble — overstepped his bounds to a degree some folks thought," says Whitten. "And they cured him of his problems."

Cracka Whitten sees no reason to commemorate Till's slaying
