Why force Ukraine settlement, nor Israel?

I favor full and unlimited support of both Ukraine and Israel.

My party has too many Hezbollah sympathizers.
The fuckwits on the other side exist to fellate Putin like their leader does.
Should Israel give Hammas some land?
"The president wants it to stop, and I'm sure President Putin wants it to stop, and that's a good combination. So we want to have a fair deal for everybody," Trump said in a joint interview with Fox News on Friday.

However, when asked what a "fair" deal would look like, Trump said, "It's too early to say that."
Trump wants Ukraine to give Russia land for a settlement.
"The president wants it to stop, and I'm sure President Putin wants it to stop, and that's a good combination. So we want to have a fair deal for everybody," Trump said in a joint interview with Fox News on Friday.

However, when asked what a "fair" deal would look like, Trump said, "It's too early to say that."
trump runs around saying he’s going to force a Ukraine Russia settlement.

Why do silent on Israel?
that...First off, Donnie Dumb as fuck, ain't gonna, can't and will not do jack shit for anybody that doesn't serve his interest, secondly, Trump don't fuck with Jews, that's why no Israel deals....As much as he secretly hates them, he understands who butter's his bread on both side!! ie the Jew$$$$
If the American Empire was not Evil it would end its war in Ukraine, and stop doing as the Zionist Bastards demand in the ME....we would end all support for Israel.