Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The NRCC isn’t even bothering to pretend they can take back the House.” And this leaves Republicans up for reelection in 2020 with a decision to make. “Obviously, the Dems have the House currently,” Republican operative Brendan Steinhauser, who worked on the campaigns of Senator John Cornyn and Congressman Dan Crenshaw, explained. “But I’m just saying, they’re making decisions based on whether they think they can win or not, whether or not they think they will hold the House.”

The Texodus is also part of a broader pattern nationwide. More than a dozen Republican members of the House and four senators have announced that they won’t seek reelection in 2020—far outpacing Democratic retirements, of which there have been just three in the House and one in the Senate. Notably, the GOP retirements include two of the only 13 Republican women in the House, Susan Brooks of Indiana and Martha Roby of Alabama. And the party suffered another blow on Wednesday when Representative James Sensenbrenner, the second-longest serving Republican in Congress, announced that he would not be seeking reelection.

“What’s curious about Flores and Sensenbrenner is this: Both men are from safe seats. Very safe, in Sensenbrenner’s case. This is because being a MAGA in the minority is a grim, tiresome slog through hell,” Wilson told me. “They’re having no fun at all, and nothing is going to pass. The constant required Trump ass-kissing is also exhausting for anyone with a soul.”

Regardless of party, many of them are tired of accomplishing nothing, Congress has reached such polar ends it has basically become a waste of time, and due to the leadership in both parties, it ain't about to change, I don't blame them
The NRCC isn’t even bothering to pretend they can take back the House.” And this leaves Republicans up for reelection in 2020 with a decision to make.

What a stupid article lacking a historic connection. Texas used to be BLUE. It is now RED and doubtful it will turn blue in the next election, or the one after that.

Regardless of party, many of them are tired of accomplishing nothing, Congress has reached such polar ends it has basically become a waste of time, and due to the leadership in both parties, it ain't about to change, I don't blame them

Thank the Democratic Party of the Jackass for that arsecheese. ;)

Yep, the party that refused to accept an election result and now acts like a petulant three year old refusing to allow the President to accomplish anything no matter how good it will be for Americans.

I just don't see that as a winning message in 2020.
It's because Republicans don't go to congress with the intent to stay till they die.

Longest 5 servers in congress Young, Sensenbrenner,Rogers, Smith all Repubs., Senators Leahy Dem, Grassley Repub, McConnel Repub, Shelbey Repub, Fienstein Dem.
This is how you debate. You make up shit.
Regardless of party, many of them are tired of accomplishing nothing, Congress has reached such polar ends it has basically become a waste of time, and due to the leadership in both parties, it ain't about to change, I don't blame them

The Dem house passed over 100 bills since they got power. McConnell sat on all but 4. It is not hard to see who is the do-nothing party. Not both parties but Mitch who brags about being the grim reaper of the Senate.
Bullshit,as if Republicans ever take the high road

Well most just get a better paying job. Dim's stay forever in a district full of retards like every member of the nigger caucus and that district that Cortez cunt is from. Then they steal millions of dollars like Harry Reid or Pelosi. How did Harry Reid go to congress 40 some years ago with $25,000 in the bank and leave with a net worth of $150 million? You don't get a net worth like that on a Senator's pay check.
Thank the Democratic Party of the Jackass for that arsecheese. ;)

Yep, the party that refused to accept an election result and now acts like a petulant three year old refusing to allow the President to accomplish anything no matter how good it will be for Americans.

I just don't see that as a winning message in 2020.

Come on, it wasn't Schumer who proclaimed he intended to do his best to make sure Trump was a one term President, that he hoped he failed, the GOP set records for use of the filibuster all during the Obama Administration, get real
The Dem house passed over 100 bills since they got power. McConnell sat on all but 4. It is not hard to see who is the do-nothing party. Not both parties but Mitch who brags about being the grim reaper of the Senate.

True, Reid was also accused of doing the same, but never came close to Mitch's numbers, Mitch does view his position as pure partisan politics whether he is the majority or minority leader
Well most just get a better paying job. Dim's stay forever in a district full of retards like every member of the nigger caucus and that district that Cortez cunt is from. Then they steal millions of dollars like Harry Reid or Pelosi. How did Harry Reid go to congress 40 some years ago with $25,000 in the bank and leave with a net worth of $150 million? You don't get a net worth like that on a Senator's pay check.

This guy is a joke, nobody could be even that inane intentionally
Come on, it wasn't Schumer who proclaimed he intended to do his best to make sure Trump was a one term President, that he hoped he failed, the GOP set records for use of the filibuster all during the Obama Administration, get real

Poor naive and dishonest arsecheese; every opposition party wants to make the opposition President a one term President whether they say so or not. Pretending that they don't makes you a dishonest fool.

I can guarantee you that Schumer is worse than McConnel in that he doesn't even want Trump to be a one term President and his fellow asshats in the House are talking up impeachment. Your arguments aren't merely weak, they are asinine.

As I said and you deflect; the party that refused to accept an election result and now acts like a petulant three year old refusing to allow the President to accomplish anything no matter how good it will be for Americans.

I just don't see that as a winning message in 2020. ;)
True, Reid was also accused of doing the same, but never came close to Mitch's numbers, Mitch does view his position as pure partisan politics whether he is the majority or minority leader

Democrats view is that they should be calling all the shots with their partisan politics whether they are in the majority or minority. :rolleyes: