Why having a pet door is a bad idea in Florida.

Up here we have coons and opossum that can tear up some stuff after they come in the pet door, the worst I have heard of was a skunk. I guess the dry wall had to come out...So gators? at least they are good eatin...
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damn conservatives...always about race.

What more can we expect out of white trash anyway...?

Pet doors are bad anywhere, especially if you have cats unless you want half dead and really pissed off things like crows and bloody squirrels to greet you when you walk in the door.
Up here we have coons and opossum that can tear up some stuff after they come in the pet door, the worst I have heard of was a skunk. I guess the dry wall had to come out...So gators? at least they are good eatin...

I'm sure the gators think the same thing about you.
My big boy in the avatar picture (now about 90lbs) once came trotting in the house and stopped in the kitchen dining area and whipped his head up and plunked a dead chicken down on the floor as if to say to me "look what I brought home for dinner"

he was so proud

I think one of my neighbors may have given up trying to have illegal chickens after that