APP - Why Hunter Biden testimony matters and why not many in DC wants him to

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The left is having a collective hissy fit about the prospect of Hunter Biden testifying in President Trump's impeachment trial. They claim that Hunter Biden is not a material witness. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. One of the left's continued talking points is that "Trump wanted to use a foreign country to dig up dirt on his political opponent". First of all that statement implies that there is dirt to dig up. But, secondly that political opponent was Joe Biden and his son's activities.

If it can be shown that Hunter Biden was given this job as a means to curry political favor then Trump would have been justified in asking for an investigation. Was what Hunter did against the law? Now, but corruption doesn't always have to break laws which is a key distinction. It doesn't have to be illegal to be corrupt.

There are two reasons why the left doesn't want Hunter and Joe to testify. The first is very obvious. Hunter will have to plead the fifth or decline to answer which of course will imply guilt of corruption. Joe is obviously declining mentally and would not withstand cross examination.

The second reason the left and many others including those in the GOP don't want them to testify is that they fear the lid being blown off of this little scam that has been robbing taxpayers for years. The Biden's aren't unique in this racket of enriching politicians unqualified relatives in order to curry favor. Campaign finance laws and financial disclosures prohibit to some extent companies/corporations from enriching politicians to curry favor. But, there are no laws against companies from hiring and enriching their relatives. This is how Chelsea Clinton gets a $600,000 and sweet programming that many journalists have to work for years to attain even though Chelsea has ZERO experience. It is how Hunter Biden gets a job on the board of Burisma. It is how McConnell's old lady who has ties to commie china enriches her family

The lid should be blown off of all of this.