APP - Why I am optimistic no matter what happens tomorrow night

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
While I stand firm in my belief that Trump will win re-election, 2020 has shown us that anything can happen. Maybe the pollsters have it right and everything I have seen is just a mirage. Rest assured, if I am wrong, I will be the first to admit it and I will not make excuses.

With that said, I am buoyed with confidence and optimism regardless of the outcome tomorrow and here is why.

If Trump wins, it will be a repudiation of the globalist elite that has shipped jobs offshore and hollowed out the middle class. It will be a repudiation of the RINO class and their brand of "free trade" that has sacrificed the middle class in the name of platitudes and the chamber of commerce.

If Trump loses, he isn't going anywhere. He will still remain the most popular person in the Republican Party and has the resources to be a force in Republican politics for years to come. He has exposed the deep state for its rot. People I know who used to think I was crazy have now had their eyes opened. There is no going back to the GOP of Bush 43. He was a good man, but his brand of conservatism was too wishy washy.

So keep the faith, the fight isn't over no matter what happens