APP - Why I believe predictions of a BIG BLUE wave are unlikely to materialize

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I know that conventional wisdom holds that the democrats are going to sweep into office and retake the House of Representatives. Some democrat hopefuls even believe that they will retake the Senate which I think is completely unlikely.

While I do think there is a chance the democrats can retake the House, I don't think that they will see a 60 seat switch and here is why

A majority of Americans say things are going well in the U.S. today, unlike 2010 when only 27 percent of Americans felt things were going well. That was the year of the GOP blowout.

Additionally, the GOP has stayed away from REALLY unpopular legislation like Obamacare. Yeah, lefties will point to the tax cuts, but there isn't broad based opposition to those like there was to Obamacare.

I am still holding out that Trump will drop a MOAB in October and unclassify all of the dirty dealings by the FBI and DOJ under Obama and make the case that the GOP has to hold the House in order to investigate that the democrat party will not investigate.