APP - Why I have a problem with NeverTrumpers


Former Vice President
I am always amused at how these NeverTrumpers piously proclaim that they are upholding their "principled conservatism" in their opposition to President Trump. They steadfastly proclaim the mantle of Reagan as if they have some ownership of his legacy. They hold up their noses at Trump supporters and Trump himself. They profess their self righteous indignation at Trump's failed marriages and playboy ways as lacking in character and undeserving of their support. They recoil at the notion of President Trump defending himself against scurrilous attacks from the left and their attack dogs in the media through his aggressive tweets proclaiming him "unpresidential". And lastly, the sit atop their ivory towers gnashing their teeth and wringing their hands over what they proclaim is a destruction of "political" norms.

But, what they never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever talk about is President Trump's record of success as President. They never talk about the conservative policies that President Trump has not only championed but done his damnedest to implement. They never talk about that.

I will agree that Trump can be brash, braggadocios and sometimes boorish. I agree that there are times where on his part discretion would be the better part of valor. However, I am able to look past those personal characteristics and look at the job he has done. NeverTrumpers seem to look at those things and for some reason can't get past it. It is like they live in some fairy tale world where their political candidates have to meet this certain visual and verbal standard and their actual positions on the issues don't matter.

It is like they would prefer the milquetoast Romney who said all the right things, and looked the part but has clearly screwed over conservatives from a policy standpoint on a continuous basis.

The worst of the NeverTrumpers are those who think that supporting and voting for Biden is somehow upholding their vaunted "conservative principles". As if they are sending us Trump supporters some sort of message. Well, you are sending us a message. The message is that you are not our political compatriots. I don't know where your political home is. The left doesn't want you. You are useful idiots for their anti Trump derangement. But, win or lose next week, you will be discarded. I can assure you that Trump supporters will not be going back to the Bill Kristol/George Will days of weak kneed, talk is cheap conservatism where you mentally masturbate about these issues but never actually accomplish anything while jobs are shipped overseas and the nation descends into poverty and addiction. President Trump has broken that spell.

The choice is yours. Wallow in your pit of self anointed "principles", join the winning team or just become a democrat.