Why I will not be voting for Hillary


Villified User
Because I will be voting against the Republican candidate. Just a lesser of the evils kind of thing.
Because I will be voting against the Republican candidate. Just a lesser of the evils kind of thing.

LOL... oh, so you will vote for Hillary but not be voting for Hillary. Just rhetoric to try and convince yourself that you are not a party hack that you rail on others for being.
Nope. Now I will vote for Edwards in the primary. But I do not ewxpect him to win.
I cannot in good concience vote for a Republican for some time.

Well on the federal level. I voted for 2 republicans on the state level. They were the only 2 republicans to win in our NOV election.
I thought you were going to say she was against funding GED's.
I'll also vote for Edwards in the primary
MM is my top issue, he said he would stop federal raids. Obama has yet to be so strong against the ghestapo like tactics.
I'm in the 30% group...

and I still like GW...he is a funny guy...and consistent...whether you like it or not I appreciate one who is consistent and stands their ground...I do not always agree with everything he does...but this also applies to all candidates...I will vote for Hunter,Tancredo or Huckabee if they make the cut...maybe Romney if he expalins himself better!
just googled this on Dodd

In the most recent debate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama and Bill Richardson want you to face BOTH FEDERAL AND STATE PROSECUTION for simple possession of marijuana (defined as one ounce or less and accompanied by no other charges) as part of their own proposed war on drugs. Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd was dogpiled upon after advocating decriminalization, complaining that nearly two million Americans are arrested and processed through the criminal justice system for this infraction, on an annual basis. He could no longer jusrify this being done. Only Congressman Dennis Kucinich was in agreement with Dodd.

In my opinion, every one of these five candidates showed themselves to be hypocrites and I am not sure if that is quality I want in my next president. I say this because each of these 5 hopefuls has said they would direct the DEA to treat medicinal marijuana clinic raids on a low priority basis. Note, they didn't say to stop, but rather merely to slow down, As they say in cooking, THIS IS A CROCK! There is no way in this green earth that the DEA will ever agree to this as long as the federal penalties, in their current form exist. To do so would constitute an outright violation of the DEA charter and these five Democrats know it too!

This was a very low point indeed in the Democratic Presidential campaign.
It rivals the disgraceful 78 congressional Democrats who doomed the Hinchey Medicinal Marijuana Amendment by voting NO. They also do not merit renomination or re-election. Coincidentally, former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel, the only pro-legalization candidate in the race, was specifically excluded from the debate. None of the other candidates objected or made mention of this. This is absolutely shameful!

Expect the Republicans, with the exception of Congressman Ron Paul, to be ten times more Draconian in terms of how they would like marijuana smokers dealt with. Anybody who is loyal to the Republican party would be foolish to support anybody other than Ron Paul, unless of course you really love close quarters and the taste of Bob Barker prison food.