Why I'm not going to be a serial killer


Some of you here seem to want to indicate to me that I'm psychologically unstable and subject to break at any time. However, with a little help from Brent's J. W. Gacy article, I was unable to find out a link that led me to a test that will prove that I'm not a serial killer, according to Helen Morrison's standards:


* Serial killers do not possess a concrete personality; rather, their minds tend to be a collection of disparate roles and facades they shift at will.

Bullshit. I'm concrete as air.

* While such killers are often charming in person, their charm wears off if one interrogates them for several hours without a break. This is caused by strain - because their charm and personality are artificial, they cannot keep it up forever.

I'm not charming.

* Once their personality constructs break down, serial killers fall into a bestial state. In this state, they lack any trace of humanity, and are nothing but urges and, occasionally, anger.

Most of that is directed at late night angry bursts towards Threedee on internet message boards.

* Serial killers are able to avoid the moral consequences of their actions because their minds are too divided and disassociated to actually bring everything together.

LOL whateva bitch.

* By examining additional cases from a cross-cultural and cross-historical sample, she claims that when serial killers receive enough psychiatric help (professional or otherwise) to fully comprehend their actions, they invariably commit suicide.

I've never killed anyone so it's alright.

Now, I hope all of you haters go cry, and feel bad for mistreating me so, after this reading this test and my witty retorts.

Go drown in a pool of your own shit.
The good news for would-be serial killers is that apparently after you've done it once it gets a lot easier.
Some of you here seem to want to indicate to me that I'm psychologically unstable and subject to break at any time. However, with a little help from Brent's J. W. Gacy article, I was unable to find out a link that led me to a test that will prove that I'm not a serial killer, according to Helen Morrison's standards:


* Serial killers do not possess a concrete personality; rather, their minds tend to be a collection of disparate roles and facades they shift at will.

Bullshit. I'm concrete as air.

* While such killers are often charming in person, their charm wears off if one interrogates them for several hours without a break. This is caused by strain - because their charm and personality are artificial, they cannot keep it up forever.

I'm not charming.

* Once their personality constructs break down, serial killers fall into a bestial state. In this state, they lack any trace of humanity, and are nothing but urges and, occasionally, anger.

Most of that is directed at late night angry bursts towards Threedee on internet message boards.

* Serial killers are able to avoid the moral consequences of their actions because their minds are too divided and disassociated to actually bring everything together.

LOL whateva bitch.

* By examining additional cases from a cross-cultural and cross-historical sample, she claims that when serial killers receive enough psychiatric help (professional or otherwise) to fully comprehend their actions, they invariably commit suicide.

I've never killed anyone so it's alright.

Now, I hope all of you haters go cry, and feel bad for mistreating me so, after this reading this test and my witty retorts.

Go drown in a pool of your own shit.

This set of guidelines completely ignores the intelligent sociopath. Their thoughts are organized, they have a concrete personality, and they can hold their "created" personality for as long as they choose. After all, they have been living that way for most of their lives. Read about Ted Bundy.
This set of guidelines completely ignores the intelligent sociopath. Their thoughts are organized, they have a concrete personality, and they can hold their "created" personality for as long as they choose. After all, they have been living that way for most of their lives. Read about Ted Bundy.

I don't think there are many intelligent sociopath serial killers. Those guys go on to become senators and presidents. Although with Bush, both terms would apply.
I could've saved you the trouble Waterhead. You will never be a serial killer because you are too much of a pussy to ever kill someone, for one. You also lack the motivation to continue on a spree of killings, you're too lazy for that. Plus, it would take too much of your time spent in Mom's basement posting on the internet and looking at porn, you could never make such a sacrifice. Not to mention, you would end up hurting yourself with whatever weapon you decided to use, because you are mentally retarded and incompetent.

Serial killer? Nope... Transvestite? Maybe!
I could've saved you the trouble Waterhead. You will never be a serial killer because you are too much of a pussy to ever kill someone, for one. You also lack the motivation to continue on a spree of killings, you're too lazy for that. Plus, it would take too much of your time spent in Mom's basement posting on the internet and looking at porn, you could never make such a sacrifice. Not to mention, you would end up hurting yourself with whatever weapon you decided to use, because you are mentally retarded and incompetent.

Serial killer? Nope... Transvestite? Maybe!

I'm not sure what to make of this. So I won't.
Watergerber, if you haven't been layed in 6months my vote is you'll be a serial killer on campus at your law school.