APP - Why is 2018 going to be different than 2016?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
According to the left, the turnout of women this election cycle is going to relegate the Republican Party to the dustbin of history. The "theory" is that women are so angered with Kavanaugh and are all about #METOO.

But, that is what we heard in 2016 too.

In 2016 women were going to turn out and vote for a woman to BREAK THE GLASS CEILING, but that didn't happen

The Access Hollywood tape was going to turn women to Hillary Clinton, but that didn't happen

There were multiple "credible accusations" against Donald Trump leading up to the election that was going to make women mad and turn em out to vote for Hillary Clinton, but that didn't happen

Mees Peegy was so compelling that women were going to come out and elect Hillary Clinton, but that didn't happen

So if women couldn't get motivated in 2016 with all of the things that were supposed to motivate them, what is different today?