Why is a Mod obsessed with Jade and Yurt?

Enlightened One

Verified User
Only a mod can make a thread by Anonymous.

Hi Grind! :)

Loser POS. :)

Jade is nothing but a piece of dung on the bottom of my shoe. Oh dear her that I dare talk in response to her meadowmuffins. Poor fragile thing. *sniffles*
Only a mod can make a thread by Anonymous.

Hi Grind! :)

Loser POS. :)

Jade is nothing but a piece of dung on the bottom of my shoe. Oh dear her that I dare talk in response to her meadowmuffins. Poor fragile thing. *sniffles*

is that true? :thinking:

it can't be, because I didn't start the thread

or did i? :thinking:
It is clear that Jaded is obsessed with me. She can't stop talking about me. And you fuel her obsession.

I bet you're proud of that, Grind.
It is clear that Jaded is obsessed with me. She can't stop talking about me. And you fuel her obsession.

I bet you're proud of that, Grind.

I am :)

I always enjoyed your messageboard fixations.

although to be fair I don't remember jade talking about you much in these last few months

I think jade is a nice dude I don't know why you'd pick a fight with him when there are so many worse retards on here
Lol, as if she doesn't talk smack about me. You're a loser Grind. You literally view this board as your own world.


I mean you seem very upset over a stupid messageboard whereas I am having very good and chill times. I think you are far more obsessed, I also bet that if we counted up the times jade has mentioned you in the last year vs. you mentioning jade, you would have mentioned jade more.