APP - Why is Andy changing his tune?


So when poor put upon Andy McCabe was first fired he claimed that it was "an attack on the FBI and my credibility" and that he was "innocent". He even said that he was going to SUE President Trump for defamation and wrongful termination

Now we find out that good ole Andy McCabe is willing to testify in front of Congress in exchange for IMMUNITY or he will PLEAD THE FIFTH

According to numerous JPP legal scholars, pleading the fifth is tantamount to admitting guilt of some crime. Now why the sudden turnaround by Andy? First he claimed innocence, now he is begging for immunity.

Could it be that the IG report that is due out this month is more damning than people think? I am starting to have my doubts about the report given how long it is taking for it to be released. I suspect dirty dealing and coverups. But, Andy's behavior is most curious