Why is the Regime not worried?


ButterMilk Man
I was talking to my brother in Corpus that other night and he said " They are not worried at all, they have something big planned, what do you think it is?"

I said "They absolutely have something big planned that they think will work. My best guess is that they are going to proclaim the Constitution over, likely also instituting martial law, and presenting a "modernized Constitution" which they will install. All who resist will threatened to shut up and obey, those who refuse will be collected by various forces for the Regime to include the military......its Hammer Time"

He does not think that the overlords will go that far to which I responded "Americans are in the main now ignorant cowards, just look at what the regime got away with with COVID as just one example. Where are all the demonstrations against the abuse of Trump? J6 political prisoners have sat in jail for years without even a sham trial and the people dont rise up.....they absolutely think that they can get away with it"

What Say U?
They're going to proclaim the Constitution over? What does that even mean? :laugh:

Biden & Co. ARE worried. Hence the action on the border and the recent multimillion dollar nationwide ad campaign regarding Trumps felony convictions.

EDIT: I just realized I somehow clicked into a thread in the Conspiracy Theory section. Now it all makes sense.