APP - Why it could be a mistake for Biden to be the democrat nominee

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Just a couple of observations about Gropin Joe. I find it Interesting that the most woke party in the history of the world turns to an old white guy to save them from big bad Trump

Now why would it be a mistake for the democrats to ride that horse? It isn’t his ch7na scandals with his crack head son who slept with his sister in law

It has everything to do with Russia. If Barr does his job correctly, we will soon learn that the previous administration led by B. Hussein Obama illegally unleashed America’s intelligence community against a political campaign.

Biden was the VP. He will be shredded by President Trump by always asking “what did Biden know and when did he know it”?
You're assuming that the 'rats have a coherent strategy. It appears that they do not. Unless it's making some fool ready for 2024.