Why Men Find the New Congresswomen So Frightening


In Yo Face!
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib aren’t just radicals—they also have institutional power.

What these women, and the other vocal, aggressive new faces in the House, are doing lives right on the seam between Ginsburg’s lawyerly legal reform project and the teenage Jane’s hunger for furious public protest. And that’s exactly why Republican men find them so terrifying. It’s why Ocasio-Cortez was dismissed as a “little girl” by Ed Rollins, and why Donald Trump (the swearing-est president in history) condemned Tlaib for being a mother who cursed in front of her sons.

These men aren’t afraid of these women because they’re part of a movement, although they are. They’re terrified because these women are empowered professionals who have parlayed careers in institutions of power to become formidable political actors. Calling them uncivil or bad mommies or child-like isn’t effective when women are legitimate holders of high office—and yet, as we see, it continues in ever-more comically depressing forms. As Virginia Heffernan notes, “These moth-eaten virgin-whore tropes have become self-satirizing. If you think misogyny has faded since ‘Mad Men’ days, you’re wrong. In fact, as women pack the halls of power, it seems more virulent than ever, as conservatives convulse in fear at losing their old rubrics of control. They lash out more than Don Draper ever did.”

In the meantime, Pelosi is working to put forth new legislation aimed at reopening the parts of the federal government that are shuttered. Ocasio-Cortez is proposing tax policies that are actually quite reasonable. Sit with that image for a moment: Men in government are fussing and fuming about all the ways in which the government they run doesn’t actually matter much, while criticizing women in government for attempting to govern. It’s almost as if they are smashing up the toys of political leadership just as women are finally being allowed to move on the game board.


The women in Congress now have a seat at the table. They don’t have to explain anything to anyone. They aren’t here to importune men for anything. They don’t have to beg for empathy. And they certainly don’t look inclined to apologize. Fights over tone and civility tend to be less relevant when both sides have institutional authority behind them.

To the extent On the Basis of Sex is dispiriting, it’s because it’s painful to be reminded that women have been fighting the same stupid fights for four decades. It’s frankly unbelievable that we have to do it yet again, and probably again and again after that. But to the extent On the Basis of Sex is a reminder of how much has changed, it underscores that we don’t have to convince men to make room, we simply need to take a seat. These women in the House are, well, in the house. They don’t have to ask for permission to be there. It’s still going to be a long haul, with more pointed fingers and cries of “witch.” But somewhere along the way, as the bell bottoms were traded in for pinks hats, something changed. Women don’t have to choose between being Jane or Ruth anymore. They can be both. The revolution is coming from inside the House.


You can bet, The Right Wing on this Forum will jump on these Women everyday ... they Wake-Up and Go to Bed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib on their minds ... and it will be Hysterical to watch these Little Boys get Spanked.
If you're talking about AOC, it's because she has that rare combination of stupidity, mixed with an undeserved self confidence that allows her to think she "knows it all". Her moronic ideas would bankrupt our country if implemented and the lapdog, accomplice media won't call her on them. She doesn't give a shit about personal freedom, and she gets a vote in the House of Representatives.
If you're talking about AOC, it's because she has that rare combination of stupidity, mixed with an undeserved self confidence that allows her to think she "knows it all". Her moronic ideas would bankrupt our country if implemented and the lapdog, accomplice media won't call her on them. She doesn't give a shit about personal freedom, and she gets a vote in the House of Representatives.

poor little trapped male
If you're talking about AOC, it's because she has that rare combination of stupidity, mixed with an undeserved self confidence that allows her to think she "knows it all". Her moronic ideas would bankrupt our country if implemented and the lapdog, accomplice media won't call her on them. She doesn't give a shit about personal freedom, and she gets a vote in the House of Representatives.

Really? Well, golly!!!

How would her ideas bankrupt our country? Which ideas, specifically? In what manner would they do so?

Please be very, very specific.
I love when self-proclaimed psychics pretend to know (assume) the motivations, feelings, and thoughts of others without evidence. Usually its a clear case of projection.
Really? Well, golly!!!

How would her ideas bankrupt our country? Which ideas, specifically? In what manner would they do so?

Please be very, very specific.
I like have no idea, right? It's like I saw her on a youtube video interview doing the, like, Stephen Colbert show, and like, I never really heard any sort of ideas except for free college, which sounds to me like a really cool solution to the , you know, homeless problem.
All the homeless can go to college for free and eat at the cafeteria. You know?
They can also use the campus toilets so they don't poop in the street anymore. Right?
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Really? Well, golly!!!

How would her ideas bankrupt our country? Which ideas, specifically? In what manner would they do so?

Please be very, very specific.

Well, golly you have a request. I'll feel free to be as specific as I feel like. Hows about I just post something you probably remember? An interview she did recently where her total lack of any ability to explain how her liberal utopia would be paid for was on full display.


TAPPER: Your platform has called for various new programs, including Medicare for all, housing as a federal right, a federal jobs guarantee, tuition-free public college, canceling all student loan debt. According to nonpartisan and left-leaning studies friendly to your cause, including the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities or the Tax Policy Center, the overall price tag is more than $40 trillion in the next decade.

You recently said in an interview that increasing taxes on the very wealthy, plus an increased corporate tax rate, would make $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

So, where is the other $38 trillion going to come from?
AOC rambles on with some typical platitudes, then Tapper continues:
Tapper pressed, noting correctly that he didn't ask why she believed in making the investments she supports but rather how she would pay for them. Ocasio-Cortez then responded with this:
(Here comes a typical mindless, rambling AOC word salad we've become so familiar with...)
"Well, when you look again at, again, how our health care works, currently, we pay -- much of these costs go into the private sector. So what we see is, for example, a year ago, I was working downtown in a restaurant. I went around and I asked, how many of you folks have health insurance? Not a single person did, because these -- they were paying -- they would have had to pay $200 a month for -- for a payment for insurance that had an $8,000 deductible."

I do give Tapper credit, he's one of the few who actually presses her for details of how her nonsensical ideas could be paid for.
Oh I think she is wonderful. Sorority girls who stop taking their Ritalin are a hoot. I mean I haven't heard someone who couldn't make it 90 seconds without giggling no matter what they are talking about in quite awhile.

She's on drugs? Makes sense.
Well, golly you have a request. I'll feel free to be as specific as I feel like. Hows about I just post something you probably remember? An interview she did recently where her total lack of any ability to explain how her liberal utopia would be paid for was on full display.


AOC rambles on with some typical platitudes, then Tapper continues:

(Here comes a typical mindless, rambling AOC word salad we've become so familiar with...)

I do give Tapper credit, he's one of the few who actually presses her for details of how her nonsensical ideas could be paid for.

Ah, so you can't really cite anything specific. Here, let me help you out.

I love when self-proclaimed psychics pretend to know (assume) the motivations, feelings, and thoughts of others without evidence. Usually its a clear case of projection.

I know, right? You've seen all the Reichwing whining here since Nov. about OAC, Tlaib, Pelosi, etc. too, eh? It's right up there with the 2009 "Obama gonna take our guns!" panic.
If you're talking about AOC, it's because she has that rare combination of stupidity, mixed with an undeserved self confidence that allows her to think she "knows it all". Her moronic ideas would bankrupt our country if implemented and the lapdog, accomplice media won't call her on them. She doesn't give a shit about personal freedom, and she gets a vote in the House of Representatives.

Wow! She scares the shit out of you.

C'mon. Show a little spine!

That's what you took away from my post? I cited 5 specific items that AOC endorses along with the estimated, combined cost and the amount of funding she has proposed. 40 trillion dollar cost minus 2 trillion dollars of funding leaves 38 trillion dollars with no proposed funding source. She leaves 95% of the price tag for her proposals unpaid for. Connect the dots.
A weak counterpoint from a weak mind. She doesn't scare me at all. Actually, I find her pretty sexy. :pleased:

I do not have a weak mind.

My response is almost certainly closer to accurate than your denial...and under any circumstances, was not "weak."

Apparently we both find her rather sexy.