APP - Why Mueller exonerating Trump is so devastating for the democrat party

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Make no mistake about it, Mueller finding no wrong doing by President Trump is devastating for the left. Ignore all of the noise about "we need to see the whole report". That is like Baghdad Bob saying "There are no tanks in Baghdad"

The reason this is so devastating is because Mueller represented the entire 2020 campaign against Trump or if he was impeached the next republican candidate. The media isn't really reporting on it, but the democrat party is breaking up. They are splitting into different factions. The left wing has gotten control of the wheel and is splitting the party apart.

There are those who are advocating for full blown socialism while others in the party less extreme aren't comfortable with it.

But, the one thing that tied the party together was Mueller. They could all rally around getting President Trump. Now their unifying body has been taken away from them. Now they will wander in the political desert with nothing to unify around.

That is why you see them so desperately trying to revive Donald Trump's tax returns. It isn't serious. It is the desperate attempt of a flailing political party. Just sit back and watch with a big bucket of popcorn
Make no mistake about it, Mueller finding no wrong doing by President Trump is devastating for the left. Ignore all of the noise about "we need to see the whole report". That is like Baghdad Bob saying "There are no tanks in Baghdad"

The reason this is so devastating is because Mueller represented the entire 2020 campaign against Trump or if he was impeached the next republican candidate. The media isn't really reporting on it, but the democrat party is breaking up. They are splitting into different factions. The left wing has gotten control of the wheel and is splitting the party apart.

There are those who are advocating for full blown socialism while others in the party less extreme aren't comfortable with it.

But, the one thing that tied the party together was Mueller. They could all rally around getting President Trump. Now their unifying body has been taken away from them. Now they will wander in the political desert with nothing to unify around.

That is why you see them so desperately trying to revive Donald Trump's tax returns. It isn't serious. It is the desperate attempt of a flailing political party. Just sit back and watch with a big bucket of popcorn

Don't liberals claim to have other evidence that the president broke the law?
Don't liberals claim to have other evidence that the president broke the law?

I have heard some claim that very thing. In fact they claim that it is "out in the open" which makes one wonder why we even needed a Special Counsel in the first place. But, hey if I spent my days trying to figure out the nonsense that takes place in leftists minds I wouldn't have time for anything else
I have heard some claim that very thing. In fact they claim that it is "out in the open" which makes one wonder why we even needed a Special Counsel in the first place. But, hey if I spent my days trying to figure out the nonsense that takes place in leftists minds I wouldn't have time for anything else
